Some time ago, one of my friends suggest I start reading blogs. I politely agreed, but thought to myself – why would I do that? I’m quite certain that I have better things to do with my time……wash clothes…..clean toilets…..clip my toenails……but I got curious. Everyone is reading blogs – what’s the attraction? So, I braved a new frontier and got myself a gmail account and a reader account and figured out how to subscribe to a blog. Since I’m quite interested in alternative cooking I started with that subject. I was quite proud of myself! Every few days I would have a look to see what was new. One day I found a recipe that I wanted to try. Another day the blog I was reading referenced another blog that also sounded interesting, so I subscribed to it! As time has gone on, I have become quite addicted to my every increasing collection of blogs. I love reading little snippets of news; someone’s thoughts on a particular subject.
I decided to take a break from reading my latest novel – 10 things I love about you by Julia Quinn (one of my favorite authors) and I logged onto my computer and took a quick look at what the latest was on my favorite blogs. 10 Ways to Seduce a Duke on Love, Romance, Passion caught my eye. Within a dozen lines, I was laughing so hard that I had tears running down my face! I wish I had that writing ability!
I’m not that funny, I don’t think. What is it with lists of 10? I did a quick Google search and found an unbelievable number of hits. I think I need to create a list of 10 of my own. Feel free to contribute!
10 Things I love about Blogs
1) Blogs are honest and raw.
2) Blogs are an ever-expanding source of information
3) Blogs are uncensored
4) Blogs are relatively easy – almost anyone can start a blog
5) Blogs are an expression of a person’s passion
6) Blogs are an anonymous expressions of one’s thoughts
7) Blogs can be a collaborative sharing of ideas
8) Blogs can connect us with other parts of the world
9) Blogs can either brighten my day or simply educate me
10) Blogs make me laugh!
Now on to conquer Twitter…….