ISBN: 0-06-053125-8
Publisher: Avon Books
Source: I purchased this book to read
This book is the last of the series of 8 Bridgerton books. There are ancillary books that follow the stories of minor characters, but the main character’s stories finish with this book. I must admit that this book is my least favorite of the group. Throughout most of the series, Gregory Bridgerton (the hero of this story) is a child or a young man and not much attention is paid to him. The attention always seems to be on his older siblings. They way this story is told, Gregory doesn’t seem to have many redeeming qualities.
On The Way To The Wedding starts with Gregory spotting Miss Hermione Watson at a house party and believing he has fallen in love. Hermione is very beautiful and is often the center of attention; her best friend Lucy Abernathy stands in her shadow. Lucy feels sorry for Gregory’s failure to win Hermione and decides to help him. Fate steps in and Hermione is caught in a compromising position with Lucy’s brother and is forced to marry. Obviously, Gregory can no longer marry Hermione.
Lucy has been engaged for years to an earl and the time approaches for her to wed. Gregory, who has meanwhile decided that he isn’t in love with Hermione, but with Lucy, tries to get her to break off her engagement with the earl. Lucy doesn’t trust his feelings .(I wouldn’t either, given the speed with which they change)
We find out that Lucy is being blackmailed and of course, that is the main reason behind her not wanting to break her engagement. In true Julia Quinn style, all is settled and we have a happy ending. (not wanting to give away the details of the ending)
Not necessarily the best ending to an outstanding series. I have been impressed with Julia Quinn’s characters and character development throughout all the books of this series. The only character that I couldn’t seem to warm up to was Lucy. She seems quite weak and so undeserving of Gregory; so unlike the inner strength of all of the other characters of the books. Now that I mention it, Gregory seems a bit wishy-washy also! I feel sad that this outstanding series ends on this note. Since this book was the only one of this series to be both a RITA Winner and a New York Times Bestseller, I am puzzled. I’ve read several reviews for this book and everyone seems to feel that it is the weakest of the lot. So many other books in this series I feel are more outstanding than this one, yet this is the one that has won the awards. Hhhhmmmm……
RT Book Reviews gives On His Way To The Wedding 4 and 1/2 stars and says: “Quinn deftly merges the elements of a Shakespearean comedy with the climax of The Graduate, delivering an utterly delightful love story that will have readers grinning with pleasure the instant the book is opened until the marvelous ending.”
The Romance Reader gives this story 4 hearts, yet in the commentary, the reviewer seems to agree that it isn’t Julia Quinn’s best work. They say in part: ”
Although it’s a good book, there are, in my opinion, some weaknesses that prevent it from being one of Ms. Quinn’s best. Although much is made of Hermione’s romance early on, her story trails off and changes direction unconvincingly, ceasing to play an important role in the dénouement. If Lucy’s guardian’s motivations were to be so crucial to putting obstacles in the path of true love late in the story, I’d have believed her actions more if that element had been given more prominence earlier in the story. And, frankly, I thought it undermined the story that Gregory learned an essential lesson suddenly and late – too late to prevent Lucy from making an unfortunate mistake. Although I’m not a fan of pat, predictability, I found this unsatisfying somehow – but perhaps you will not feel the same way.
If Ms. Quinn has not ended the Bridgerton saga with a bang, however, she has certainly not ended it with a whimper. “