Happy Thursday! Thursday is one of my favorite days as I get to participate in “Enquiring Minds Want To Know” sponsored by Dollycas at Dollycas Thoughts.
Here’s the instructions from Dollycas:
If you are just joining this feature
Each Thursday I will post 3 questions for you to answer that you can copy and post on your blog with your answers.
You don’t have to be a blogger to participate either. I will be using a Linky List for the blogs to use to participate and follow each other around to get to know each other, but if you are not a blogger just answer the questions in the comment section following the post on your favorite blog. Please feel free to click on the links and visit other blogs too.
Here’s my answers for this week’s meme:
1) My biggest pet peeve (and I think I have several) is gossip. My daughter is an an elementary school and the amount of information that I discover before and after school about my neighbors is astounding!
2) I LOVE shopping on line in my jammies!! Especially at this time of year. Nothing kills my Christmas spirit faster than going to a mall. Between issues in the parking lot, grumpy people in the stores and being pushed and shoved in line ups, I’d rather stay home!
3) I have traveled by train, but not for quite some time. I don’t commute to work any more, and where I live now, there aren’t many trains.
SO….off I go to find out some information from some other bloggers! Happy Thursday.
I hate gossip too and you are right shopping in your jammies is the best! Thank you playing!!!
Hi Dollycas,
Procrastination is also one of my pet peeves as well….just not at the top of the list!
I don’t like gossip either! It’s mean and hurtful.
Hi Ellie,
Thanks for the visit! I agree – mean, hurtful and mostly unnecessary!
I didn’t even think of doing my Christmas shopping online! Brilliant idea! 😀
Hi Jenni!
Just something relaxing about shopping in your jammies! Thanks for the visit!