Happy Friday everyone. Since this is the last Friday of the year, Parajunkee is suggesting we list our Bookish Resolutions. This is a post that was cruising around earlier this week and was hosted by Melissa from My World…in words and pages. If you are interested in hooking up to her linky – click on the link.
Here are my resolutions for 2011:
1. Clean up my office and keep it tidy. Sadly, I’ve already spent a few hours on this mess! I have to find some way of organizing the books and keep my office from being the dumping zone of the house.
2. Organize my books. I’ve entered a whole bunch of challenges to help me work my way through my TBR piles and now I need to gather all the books to one area – rather than have books all over the place 🙂
3. Organize my time better. I just keep thinking that if my office is more user friendly and I can find things easier I will be better organized. I think I need to make a schedule for the week. We’ll work on that.
4. Read more books and write more reviews. I really don’t know how many books I read last year. I’m planning on getting a Nook (or maybe a Kindle) in the new year – mostly because there were no screaming sales this week to encourage me to move sooner – and that will help me with my reading. Right now, I read ebooks on my laptop and that is just too hard on my eyes!
What are your resolutions for 2011??
Java at Never Growing Old hosts a 40 and over Follow Friday. There aren’t any questions to answer here, just head over there and link up your blog.
Other follows I’m wandering through:)
If you drop by for a visit, leave a comment to let me know you were here! Even say hi!
Happy New Years everyone!
Great blog! I’m stopping by from Follow Friday blog hop. I’m following you now. Would love a follow back if you like at http://www.fortyandtryingtobefab.blogspot.com
Hi Shannon!
Thanks for the visit and the follow – I’m heading over your way now!
One of my resolutions is to read a book a week. Visiting from the blog hop. Hope you had a very Merry Christmas and wishing you the best for 2011.
Hi Nancy!
Thanks for the visit! Drop by here and see if you like the looks of the books I read 🙂
Happy New Year! I’m hopping by from the 40 and Over hop and I am a new follower.
Hi Kathy!
Thanks for the visit and the follow! I’m heading to your blog now
Great goals.
Happy New Years!
~Inspired Kathy
I Am A Reader, Not a Writer
Hi Inspired Kathy!
Thanks for the visit and the compliment! Hope you have a great New Years also
I definitely need to read more books in 2011. Thanks for the follow and great comment! I’m now following you back. HAppy New Years to you as well!
Take care! =)
~ Tiffany
Hi Tiffany!
Thanks for the visit and the follow! Drop by anytime to see some suggestions for what to read!
I am always a fan of your blog and have gotten some great ideas off of it! Thanks for always leaving love on my blog! Have a great new year!
Hi Rebecca!
I always enjoy your comments 🙂 Hope you also have a great new year!
Happy New Year! I also hope to read more books and manage my time better.
Hi There!
So many choices of what to wish for! I also want time to read more and therefore manage my time:) Thanks for the visit!
I need to organize my books too. Great goals! Happy New Year! 🙂
Hi Jenni!
Thanks for the visit! Hope you have a great new years!
Hoppin on by. new follower. Good luck with your resolutions!
Have a wonderful and safe New Years!
Hi Crystal!
Thanks for the visit! I love your blog! Hope you have a great new years!
Managing time…I used to be good at that. But I seem to be getting lazier.
Happy New Years!
My Hop
Hi Alison!
I agree! I think I used to be better also! Hope you have a great New Years.
I agree reading books on the computer is hard. I probably will end up getting a kindle sometime this year. Just because that’s what I’ve wanted for quite awhile now.
Have a good weekend!
HI Ashley!
I feel like I’m going blind trying to read on the computer! Hope you have a great new year and enjoy your Kindle!
Im a new GFC follower from FFF. Would love the follow back at
Happy New Year!!
Hi Melissa!
Thanks for the visit and the follow! I’m heading over to your blog now!
Thanks for stopping by. Happy New Year.
I am following your blog.
Hi There!
Thanks for the visit and the follow!
Wishing you a lovely New Year darling.
Happy New Years to you as well!