Welcome to Friday!
I don’t know about you, but it’s been a long week in this household! Head colds and tonsillitis have made for a week that just needs to end 🙂 I love Fridays! I get to spend Friday (and sometimes Saturday as well) wandering from blog to blog saying hi to friends and making new friends.
Before we begin with the activities some highlights from my week and some announcements for upcoming events.
I only posted three reviews this week, but they were doozies 🙂
Once Upon a Scandal by Delilah Marvelle – a new release Historical Romance
Sweet as Sin by Inez Kelley – a blow you out of the water new release!!
Brotherhood of Fire by Elizabeth Moore
– a fairly graphic and heart warming erotica – a very unique romance!
Now for events coming up!
Next week is Romance week at Snowdrop Dreams of Books and Knit – Purl – Stitch…Read & Cook. This will be a week of Guest Posts, Reviews, Interviews and Giveaways. I’m particularly pleased to let you know that I’ll be interviewed on February 9th! This will be my first interview – I’m so excited!
There’s just over one week left for my Valentine’s Day giveaway. Click HERE to enter.
On February 16th Dr Laina Turner-Molaksi will be stopping by with a guest post. She is promoting her new book and will be offering several VISA gift cards as a draw prizes for the tour. Be sure to drop by and see what she has to say!
Without further ado, let’s start our list of activities with Follow Friday by Parajunkee.
Parajunkee wants to know what book we are pushing. I have to say that I am completely impressed with Sweet as Sin by Inez Kelley. I reviewed it this week and found myself staring at the computer screen, trying to find words to describe this book. It’s a romance, but the hero is so tortured. You just have to read it and see what you think! Have a look at Inez’s website to see what other bloggers are saying. HERE
The Book Blogger Hop is sponsored by Jennifer at Crazy-for-books and is a very popular weekly activity! This gives us Book Bloggers an opportunity to share our week with friends! Jennifer asks us this week: What are we reading and why are we reading it. I am reading This Magic Moment by Virna DePaul. The author has sent me this book to read and review! I’m liking it!
For those of us in the well-seasoned category, we participate in the Follow Friday hosted by Java’s blog at Never Growing Old. Java has a nice selection of bloggers that join in each week.
Book Blogger Tag Along Friday is sponsored by Bitten by Paranormal Romance. This is a blog hop for those of us who review Adult Erotica/Romance.
Question of the week. Do you prefer to read erotic novella’s or novels? I prefer novellas or short novels if I’m reading erotica.
Other hops I’m cruising through this weekend.
stopping by from the friday hops!!
Hi Carrie!
You’re welcome – I enjoy our blog!
Now following from http://www.babydealsdujour.com/blog
We track all of the daily baby deals in real-time. Would love for you to stop by and follow back!
Thanks for the visit and the follow!
Hi! I found you on the Hop Along Friday Blog Hop!! I follow you now on GFC and hope you will stop by my blog and do the same. 🙂 I’ve got a few current giveaways and LOTS more to come too!
~The Reynolds Mom~
Hi Ashley!
Thanks so much for the visit and the follow! I’m heading your way now!
I had NO idea there were so many friday blog hops – it’s my first time to particpate in one 🙂
Here’s my Book Blogger Hop: 2/4-2/7 post!
First visit?? Welcome to the Friday blog hops!
*Love* your list of Friday hops!!! You’re blog is too cute!!
New follower & wishing you a wonderful weekend!!
Hi Redd!
Thanks so much for the visit and the follow! I’m heading to your blog now!
Hopping through. Sweet as Sin sounds very interesting from the quick synopsis you gave.
My Hop
Hi Alison!
Thanks for the visit!
I stopped over on the over 40 Friday Blog Hop and am now following. I love to read and am extremely eclectic in what I read, I am so glad to find your site with more romance books, most sites are sci/fi, fantasy, horror or mystery this will help me find great books in the romance genera. Looking forward to more great reviews!! Thanks and have a wonderful Friday!
Hi Coupon Queen!
Thank so much for the visit and the follow! I love historical romance, but I’ll read almost anything! Lately I’ve been reading some pretty risque stuff and finding some great new authors. Stay tuned for some more reviews! Hope you have a great weekend!
Just hopping by via the Blogger Hop…your current read sounds like one I might like…
HI Laurel-Rain!
Thanks for the visit! My latest read is really cute – I’m enjoying it!
Stopping by to say “Hi”. Looks like you have some great things coming up. Can’t wait to read your interview. I hope you have a great weekend!
Hi Ing!
Thanks for the visit! I see you have posted some more reviews! I’m heading there soon!
i’m your new blog hop follower, check me out at http://hugatreewithme2.blogspot.com when you can:)
Hi Roe!
Thanks so much for the visit and the follow! I’m heading your way now!
here’s mine http://tributebooksmama.blogspot.com/2011/02/my-book-blog-follow-friday.html
Hi Mary Ann!
Thanks for the visit and I’m heading your way now!
Thanks so much for hopping by. And thank you again for particitpating in Romance Week! I am so very excited to see how this event turns out. 🙂
Hope everyone in your house is feeling better soon. I’ve been off two days now with some kind of something – sore/swollen throat and ear ache. *sigh* TGIF!
Hi Chrystal!
Thanks for the visit! I agree with you TGIF!!!!! I think I need to sleep in!
Wow, you are busy! I’ve heard great things about the Inez Kelly book.
Thanks for the visit! Inez’s book is great! Hope you have a great weekend!
Dropping by from the OVER 40 FRIDAY FOLLOW and as if I don’t add enough books from the Monday meme, I have added another one from this post. Sweet as SIN!!!!
Hi Dollycas!
Thanks for the visit! I’m trying to get everyone to read this book 🙂 Hope you enjoy it when you get to it!
I’m an old follower. I’m just hopping by. Thanks for the book recommendations. I’ll have to check them out.
Hi Jenni!
Thanks for the visit! I’m heading your way now!
I am currently trying to get people to read Demons are a girls best friend.. come check out my blog
Outhouse Reviews
have a great weekend
Hi Kimberly!
Thanks for the visit! Your blog is so cute! I love the design! Hope you have a great weekend!
Good answer! The answer on my book blog is a little embarassing; it’s a book that’s been sitting on my TBR pile for a year.
To my shame, I only opened the book because I remember it contained an Amazon gift card.
All the sordid details on my book blog – http://www.howardsherman.net
Hop on over!
Howard Sherman
Thanks for the visit Howard! I look forward to what you write next!
Hello! Newest follower from Blog Hop Fri… would love for you to consider following me back.
Hi Malia!
Thanks for the visit and the follow! I’m heading your way now!
Thanks for stopping by you have some interesting reads going on.
Hi Nanny!
Thanks for the visit! I enjoyed my visit to your blog!
Hi, I’m from the blog hop and I just joined your awesome site! Best of luck on that first interview of yours 🙂
Hi Normalyn!
Thanks for the visit and the wishes! Drop by and read the interview!
Dark Victory is part of a 5 book series called Masters of Time by Brenda Joyce and they are fabulous- got me hopelessly hooked to Highlanders 🙂
Thanks for stopping by Have a great weekend!
Thanks Donna!
I’m heading to paperbackswap……men in kilts……
Hi, I saw you over at Bitten By Paranormal Romance and just wanted to hop onn over and say hello.
I love Novella’s but will read anything I get my hands on. LOL
Have a great day/weekend and stay warm from this Global Freezing we are all having – LOL
Hi Rhonda!
Thanks for the visit! Hope you have a great weekend! Stay warm!
Found you on the blog hop! I’m your newest follower! Have a great weekend! http://moenysavingtips.blogspot.com/
Hi Jenny!
Thanks for the visit and the follow!
Hopping by for the Friday blog hops. I’m a new follower. Have a great weekend!
Tevya @ Reading Lark
Hi Tevya!
Thanks for the visit and the follow! I’m heading your way now.
Just stopping by on the blog hop tour. I’m a new follower. 🙂
Tevya @ Reading Lark
Just hopping by and following through!
Glad you are enjoying your current choices!
Shelleyrae @ Book’d Out
Hi Shelleyrae!
Thanks for the visit and the compliment! Hope you have a great weekend!
Following you from the blog hop. I’d love for you to check out my blog and follow back.
Hi Tiffany!
Thanks for the visit and the follow! Hope you have a great weekend!
Hello!! Thank you for dropping by my blog, Novel Addiction. Sorry I didn’t get to visit you until now – work and non-bloggy life kept getting in the way. 😉 I love your website – It looks so nice and clean compared to mine.
Well, I just dropped by to say hello, and become your newest follower. Now back to hopping along. Have an excellent weekend!
Hi Amanda! Thanks for the visit and the follow! I enjoyed my visit to your blog as well! Hope you have a great weekend!
Hey Barb! Thanks for stopping by on the hop. Right back at ya! I’m an old follower. Boy do you sign up for a lot of hops! Crazy! 😉 I’m off to enter your V-day giveaway! Thanks for making it open to Canadians! 🙂
Giveaway: Secrets and Shadows by Shannon Delaney
Hi Carmel!
Thanks for the visit! I know…the reading challenges just kind of exploded….good luck on the giveaway!
Hi Barb! I gave you an award on my blog today 🙂 http://fadeintofantasy.blogspot.com/2011/02/saturday-night-special-and-current.html
Excellent Theresa! I’m heading right over!
Hi! just stopping by via the book blog hop. Thought I’d say hello 🙂
I had no idea there were so many hops!
H Rachel!
Welcome! There are tons of hops if want to go looking! Hope you have a great weekend!
Hi Barb!
Just stopping by with the 18+ hop! I see you’re reading This Magic Moment. I loved it. I enjoy her writing a great deal!
Have a great day!
Hi Selena!
Verna DePaul is a great author – if the other two are as good as the one I’m currently reading she needs better exposure! Hope you are having a great weekend!
Hey you, just stopping by on the hop and follow. I like the fact that you read historicals too!
I’m currently reading Master of Smoke by Angela Knight.
Happy Reading!!!
See ya!
Readaholics Anonymous
Hi Dana!
Thanks for the visit and the follow!
Hey Girl, hoppin on by real quick with the 18+. Late as usual. *g* I’ll read both but I prefer Novels. I like getting totally wrapped up in a story for a few hundred pages. I hope you had a great weekend!
Hi Crystal!
Thanks for the visit! Better late than never! Hope you had a great weekend!
Returning the follow. Thanks for coming by! =)
Hi Alyssa!
Thanks for the follow!