Welcome to Bestseller 4 a Day!
Today we are seeing how far up the Amazon lists we can push a book called A Walk in the Snark by Rachel Thompson. I’ve had the pleasure of reading this book. Although I have a review posted below, I asked Rachel if she could write me a few paragraphs on her book and why she wrote it. I think what she wrote is a perfect example of the humor that I found in her book. It gives you a good idea of whether you will find this book as funny as I did.
Her book is only 99 cents today!!
Without further ado….here’s Rachel!
Sometimes I think I’m too jaded. Then I think no, it’s just the lighting ~ Rachel Thompson,
If you’re at all familiar with @RachelintheOC via my Twitter feed, my blog, or my new book , you probably know me as that redheaded Queen of Snark in a sea of blondes (OC does stand for Orange County, CA, home of the Tragic – I mean Magic – Kingdom), after all. Essays like Stupid Pants Syndrome, Men are from Seinfeld, Women are From Friends (Mancode), and certainly cement that fact.
But how did I get here? For millions of bloggers, those were the keys questions I asked myself: how can I take my stories and put them into a book? Should I even bother? Will it translate?
Will anyone buy it?
I could have crawled up into a ball of indecision in my dirty martini (extra olives, of course) right then and there, but I knew a thing or two about social media and marketing (as well as writing, of course), so I pushed forward with my vision for my book. I knew I had written something people could relate to. How?
To keep my sanity as a WAHM (Write At Home Mom), I wrote my first Mancode essay on my RachelintheOC.com blog about one year ago (April, 2010), titled it “Men are from Seinfeld, Women are from Friends,” and the response was overwhelming, immediate. Clearly, it wasn’t just my guy who went to the grocery store flummoxed by my note: BUY BREAD and would return instead with soup made in China I then had to check for lead content. Honestly.
Twenty-ish Mancode posts later, I had hit my brand, my goldmine. I expanded into , rounded it out with parenting, some real-life poignant stories of lost love, and felt I had enough to give readers a glimpse of me. Off it went to a professional editor and graphic artist…and I had my book!
Why do men want to change the world but can’t change the toilet paper?
Clearly, I’m not talking rocket science here. I’m a humorist. My goal is to make you laugh, think, and give you a respite from your daily life of having to do laundry or yes, change the toilet paper roll!
I’m hard at work on my next book, The Mancode: A Survivor’s Tale. My husband is a good sport and to be honest, this Mancode stuff has been great shorthand for our going-on-nineteen-years marriage. Read the essay about Refrigeratoritis—you’ll know exactly what I mean.
How about Bestseller For A day? I’m so excited to be a part of this premier program sponsored by the Indie Book Collective! Designed to propel an indie author to the top of the Kindle Top 100 charts, I need your help purchasing my eBook anytime between now and midnight (Wednesday the 6th) for just 99 cents— NO KINDLE REQUIRED! Improving an indie author’s Amazon ranking goes far in showing traditional publishing that indie is here to stay. Help out the little fish. 🙂
Thank you to Barb and Sugarbeat’s Books for supporting me and my book , and the Indie Book Collective on our Bestseller For A Day promotion this Wednesday, April 6th where my book will be just 99 cents! Help me launch up the Amazon charts this one day only! Tell your friends, your mom, even your dog! Remember, you don’t need a Kindle to read (or ANY) eBook. Just a computer or a smartphone.
As our Bonus Buy (2 for the price of 1), you can also purchase a fabulous collection of short stories and poems by fab fellow author Kimberly Kinrade. Her book Bits of You & Pieces of Me is also just 99 cents BUT if you return to the site and fill out our fairly painless form, Kimberly will rebate the purchase price. #Woot! Also, you get five entries into my contest to win up to FIVE $10 Amazon Gift Cards!!
Please email me if you have any questions or comments at RachelintheOC@gmail.com or come visit my blog anytime RachelintheOC.com or Twitter or or GoodReads. I’m everywhere (except, ya know, the kitchen). I also teach writers epublishing, social media and other cool stuff over at the Indie Book Collective so find me there as well.
Now, what did I think of this book?? I thought it was pretty funny…..keep reading!
With her trademark snarky humor and candor, Rachel whisks you into her caffeinated world where she deconstructs common phrases (I’m Fine) and makes up words (Refrigeratoritis) in order to help dudes understand chicks…and vice versa.
Rachel believes “Men are from Seinfeld, Women are from Friends” and so do her legions of fans. She dares to ask “why do men want to change the world but can’t change a roll of toilet paper?”
Drawing on her decades (dear god has it been that long?) of marriage, friendships, and past relationships, Rachel’s specialty is observing male behavior and dissecting it with humor (Shopping is NOT a Verb). Think of her as the Scientist of Snark…without the ugly white labcoat of course.
As you can see from the blurb above, this book is seriously funny! Rachel is a pale red-head trying to survive in California, the land of sunshine and plastic surgery. She started her blog back in 2008 in order to “keep her sanity as a stay at home mom and too much Spongebob”. Something I can totally relate to, but my short one doesn’t watch Spongbob (thank you), but the purple monster. You’d think she’d grown out of it by now….but I digress!
Rachel has pulled together the funniest entries you can ever imagine and interspersed them with some seriously poignant moments. She is candid, sharp, and as the title suggests, snarky. You will laugh and cry all within a few pages. When I read the verbage on Amazon, one comment caught my attention. “If you want to laugh, cry and risk blowing coffee out your nose at Rachel’s unique take on life (just check out her Manesia essay), you’ve got to get this book!” I thought to myself, only my little brother is capable of making me laugh so hard that liquid (at the time milk) comes out of my nose. Not possible, she can’t possibly be that funny. I’m here to report, she is that funny. The funny moments catch you unawares so don’t try to drink anything while reading her book! (Mike, you have been removed from top billings as a laugh generator) The comments that she makes about life in California are entertaining and her comments about her husband (men in general) and her “chickspeak” comments often cut too close not to be funny.
You need to pick up a copy of this e-book today for 99 cents. Once you buy a copy of this book, stay tuned to find out how far up the Amazon lists we manage to push this book!!
Great post today barb. I really enjoyed Rachel’s book and think it’s one that needs to be on everyone’s ereader,computer,smartphone or whatever they use for the e-books! A go to when you are having one of those days, cause yeah it doesn’t get old that’s for sure.
I agree! I thoroughly enjoyed reading!!
Did you know Canada
Great site! I am a book ADDICT so very glad to find you blog – following you on GFC now!