Welcome to Sugarbeat’s Books!
Today we are welcoming Gwyneth Greer to the blog. The Showboat Affair is her new release. I’m quite interested by this book and we’ll learn a bit more about the book in a bit. Gwyneth is generously offering some items for a giveaway. I’ll list the details at the bottom of this post. First, I asked Gwyneth a couple of questions so that we can learn about her.
1) Tell us about your latest book.
My new release is The Showboat Affair, a Last Rose of Summer romance from The Wild Rose Press. LROS deals with older characters who perhaps bring ‘baggage’ with them to a new relationship—divorce, widowhood, etc.
The Showboat Affair is the story of Jean Kingston, unceremoniously ‘dumped’ by her husband after 33 years. Though she’s grown accustomed to living with his infidelities, his request for a divorce shocks her. She meets attorney Nick Cameron, who raised his only son (now his law partner) alone after the death of his wife. He’s ready to move on. “You looked as lonely as I felt,” he tells Jean when she questions his first attraction to her.
2) What is your favorite character?
My favorite character, oddly enough, is a secondary one—Jean’s housekeeper of 20 years who becomes her unexpected best friend. A survivor herself (though of different circumstances), Selina insists that Jean pull herself up by her bootstraps and get on with her life.
3) If you could ask your readers one question what would it be?
I would ask my readers, “What do you think is the most important element of a good romance—and why?” I have a poll on my blog where anyone who wants to can weigh in. I plan to turn the results into a blog article.
4) What is your favorite genre to read and why?
I read mostly non-fiction, often researching a new story, but I love mysteries and crime-thrillers. Mary Higgins Clark, Victoria Holt, John Grisham, and Margaret Truman are some of my favorite authors.
5) Do you have an all time favorite book or are there a collection of them?
My all-time favorite book IS a romance—the old, out-of-date, much-beloved The Christmas Bride by Grace Livingston Hill. I grew up on her sweet romances and still read this one every year at Christmas.
6) Who are your cheerleaders – who is encouraging you to write and to keep going?
I’ve been blessed with friends who have believed in and supported my writing dreams. I know many of them only online, and they are writers, too, so we support each other. And, I have to mention my mother, who always encouraged me, from childhood, to spin my tales and listened to me read them aloud. I feel sure she knows that I’ve realized my dream of being published.
Now, let’s learn more about this book. Here’s the blurb supplied by the author:
Despite over thirty years in a faithless marriage to wealthy investment broker Rand Kingston, Jean is shocked when he asks for a divorce. Encouraged by her former housekeeper-turned-best-friend, she determines to rediscover herself as an independent woman and move on with her life. Nick Cameron, prominent attorney and long-time widower, would like to figure in her plans. The opposition of their adult children surprises them. Then, a series of chilling near misses makes them wonder who really is determined to keep them apart—and why.
I read this blurb some time ago when I was starting to arrange this interview. As I said above I’m quite interested in this book. It’s actually on my TBR pile, but I’ve been so overwhelmed lately with books, that I haven’t yet gotten to it. Hopefully I will soon! Gwyneth has sent us an excerpt. Give this a read and see if this catches your interest as it does mine!
The peal of the doorbell startled both of them. “This could look bad,” Nick said.
“Not if it’s Selina. Maybe it’s her. She went to look at some of those ice cream parlor tables I was telling you about last week.” Jean eyed him critically. “Button your shirt.”
“It’s pretty rumpled.”
“Button it anyway.” She brushed past him on her way to the door. “Maybe you should disappear.”
“Are you serious?”
Jean sighed. “No.” At the front door, she peered through the viewer and let out her breath in dismay. Juliana stood there, her jaw set, looking primed for battle. Jean unlocked the door and opened it. “What brings you here so early, Juliana?”
“I had some errands over this way. Aren’t you going to ask me in?”
Jean stepped back. “Yes, of course. Come in. I have a guest.”
Juliana’s eyebrows met her hairline. “A guest? I am interfering with your sleeping arrangements then.”
Jean made a quick decision not to defend herself. “Come in the kitchen. I’m making waffles.”
Nick rose hastily as the women walked in.
“You must be Nick Cameron,” Juliana snapped.
“My mother’s lover.”
“Juliana!” Jean felt the blood drain from her face. “How dare you!”
Nick’s eyes flashed, but his voice was courtroom courteous. “I spent the night on the sofa.”
“Of course, you did.”
His mouth twitched. “But if I’d spent it in your mother’s bed, it would have been her business, not yours.”
Giveaway details: Gwyneth is giving away either a print or an electronic copy of her book The Showboat Affair as well as a pink laser flip-top mirror engraved with info about the book. She is also giving away a $10.00 gift certificate to Bath & Body Works to a randomly chosen commenter. To increase your chances to win, click HERE to find the other stops on this tour and comment everywhere you go!
The Showboat Affair is available from the publisher – The Wild Rose Press, and Amazon:
Congrats on the new release Gwyneth! I can’t imagine what I would do if my child was opposed to a relationship of mine.
My oldest son, asked once by someone if he would oppose his mother remarrying (I never did and too old now!) said he would have to meet the man first–with his shotgun across his knees! Since I didn’t have marriage in mind, I laughed, but…
Just finished it! Good read! It had a little bit of every thing – love, intrigue, and I even got misty eyed a couple of times.
I thought it held together really well –
Good job, Gwenyth – I am looking forward to more!!
Thanks, Leslie! So happy you enjoyed the story! Appreciate your dropping by to let me know!