Welcome to Sugarbeat’s Books!
Today we are learning more about Mary Margret Daughtridge and her book SEALed Forever. I posted a review of this book on Sunday. To read my review, click HERE. Look at the cover of this book!! Most of you know that I’m quite a visual reader. Who wouldn’t like a book with a cover like this??? Next up, the hero is a Man in Uniform – a SEAL. Really, do you need anything more?? This book has been published by Sourcebooks, Inc. They are allowing me to give away two copies of this book to US and Canada residents. If you would like a copy of this book, leave me a comment below. This giveaway goes till Sunday the 22nd!
I sent Mary Margret some questions so that we can learn some more about her and her books. Enjoy what you learn – I know I did!
Barb – Can you describe SEALed Forever in your own words?
MMD: Black ops, gray ops, SEAL Garth Vale can’t be sure who he’s working for, but when he finds an infant who has been brought into the country hidden aboard a spy plane, he knows, whoever his bosses are, they won’t be happy. Garth has baby to protect and he’s on his own. And the baby acts sick.
Fortunately, Dr Bronwyn Whitescarver has just come to the tiny town nearby. A quick in and out—it’s all he needs.
Yeah. Right. SEALs have a saying: Every operation goes to **** thirty seconds after it hits the ground.
Barb – What was your favorite scene in this story?
MMD: I don’t know if I can choose a favorite. The most plain fun to write was the one I call “Sex In The Canoe.” (Barb agrees!!)
Barb – I loved the character of Garth! Is he someone you made up in your head or is he modeled after someone you know?
MMD: I don’t get to either model my heroes or to make them up. They just show up in the landscape of another SEAL’s story. At first, all I know about them is what the main characters knows. Garth first came along in Davy’s story, SEALed with a Ring. I had to cut most of Garth’s big scene with Davy. Garth, not Davy, was too much the hero of it—which diluted Davy’s story. But I fell completely in love with Garth’s tender heart. I knew he was large enough to have his own book. In SEALed Forever, I could finally tell the whole story of him and Davy.
Barb – I know that I respond positively to the strong, take-charge, honorable stereotype of a military man or a man in uniform. Many romances have that sort of man as the hero. What do you feel makes Garth unique in this respect?
MMD: Every romance reader knows that SEALs are alpha males. Strong, larger than life heroes, it’s tricky not to stereotype them. But haven’t you ever wondered, “What’s it like to live with one?”
What’s special about Garth, and all my heroes, is that the reader gets to see him when he’s not in battle. When he’s in situations where his gargantuan self-confidence, his aggressiveness, his extreme competitiveness are not assets.
The SEAL persona is still there but it doesn’t override everything. The reader can see his quirks, his personal tastes, his vulnerability, and his courage. Courage that has nothing to do with physical prowess. I think too, his need to protect and to serve are highlighted.
All SEALs have a quality—unexpected in an alpha—called nurturance. Garth has more of it than most.
Barb – Who are your cheerleaders—who encourages you to continue writing?
MMD: It would be easier to tell you who doesn’t. My family has always supported me and believed anything I said I wanted to do, I probably could. However, they’re not romance fans (although they read my books.)
A romance writer needs a special kind of support. If any of your readers would like to write romance, even if they’ve never put a word on paper, the best thing they can do is join the nearest RWA chapter. As a rule, romance writers are some of the most generous, the most supportive writers you will ever meet.
In every book I usually wind up acknowledging a special group of friends I lean on, time after time. They never fail to come through for me. My friend Elizabeth Vaughan, MD helped me with the medical background I needed for Bronwyn, the heroine.
I couldn’t fail to mention John Roat, a former SEAL and a writer himself (Class 29, The Making of a SEAL.) From the moment he replied to my first email, saying, “I’m a SEAL. What do you want to know?” he has believed in me. When he doesn’t know how to answer a question for me, he finds a SEAL who does and connects me with them.
None of my characters are based on him but they all have his big heart, his generous spirit, and wicked sense of humor.
Lately, fans have been writing to me, telling me my books are important to them, and urging me, begging, encouraging me to write more—and quicker. 🙂
Barb – I can list all your various contact points, but if your readers want to keep up with what book is coming out next, what is the best way to do that?
MMD: Check out my website and I’d love to be your friend on Facebook
Plus, I love to hear from readers.
Barb – Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions. I know that I look forward to anything you write – I really enjoyed this book!
MMD: I’m so glad you liked it. I try hard to write the kind of book I would love to read. When readers tell me my book “did it” for them, I feel like I’ve found a kindred spirit. Thanks for letting me visit.
He’s got a living, breathing dilemma…
In the midst of running an undercover CIA mission, Navy SEAL Lt. Garth Vale finds an abandoned baby, and his superiors sure don’t want to know about it. The only person who can help him is the beautiful new doctor in town, but she’s got another surprise for him…
She’s got a solution…at a price…
Dr. Bronwyn Whitescarver has left the frantic pace of big city ER medicine for a small town medical practice. Her bags aren’t even unpacked yet when gorgeous, intense Garth Vale shows up on her doorstep in the middle of the night with a sick baby…
But his story somehow doesn’t add up, and Bronwyn isn’t quite sure who she’s saving—the baby, or the man…
Mary Margret Daughtridge has been a grade school teacher, speech therapist, family educator, biofeedback therapist, and Transpersonal Hypnotherapist. She is a member of the Heart of Carolina Romance Writers, Romance Writers of America, and Romancing the Military Soul, and is a sought-after judge in writing contests. She resides in Greensboro, North Carolina. For more information, please visit www.marymargretdaughtridge.com and www.sourcebookscasablanca.com.
Thanks for joining me today and remember to leave a comment to win a copy of SEALed Forever!
Hey Barb,
Thanks again for the interview, and thanks too for the thoughtful review (which I have just read.)
If your readers have a question they’d like to ask, or something they want me to comment on, I’ll be checking in throughout the day and will try to answer.
I enjoyed your interview and what a great cover! There is an air of danger and excitement surrounding special ops heroes and Sealed Forever sounds like a great read. Thanks for the giveaway.
Great interview questions! I enjoyed learning more about Mary and her newest release! SEALed Forever certainly has an interesting premise and now I really want to rea that “Sex In The Canoe” scene, lol. Thanks for the chance to win a copy, definitely count me in! 🙂
Funny you should mention “air of danger and excitement.” Garth has more of that than most. Women who are attracted to his dark and dangerous aura abound, but he’s not looking for a hookup. He needs a wife. Someone who wants to be a mother, run his home, and be an asset to his naval career. Those he doesn’t get to first base with.
The doctor, Bronwyn, unfortunately, doesn’t fit either bill.
You wouldn’t believe how much research that scene took. First there was the “how to” which you won’t find on eHow.com. Then I had to find a make and model canoe that could handle it…again, something you can’t type into a browser.
Hope you like it.
Thanks for the great interview and giveaway! I just love reading about Seals, they are so sexy and dangerous.. Please throw my name in the hat for this one.
follow on gfc
mlawson17 at hotmail dot com
Thank you so much for the interview and giveaway. Seals are just so sexy, they are alpha men who are strong, muscular, good in crisis situations, handle stress well, and so much more. Please count me in on the giveaway.
GFC follower: June M.
manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com
Great review. Sounds interesting . Please enter me in the contest
Sounds great. Count me in please.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
Great interview, you had me at SEALs! I really can’t wait to read the “sex in the canoe” scene….now I’m super curious!
Thanks for the contest
booksavvybabe AT gmail DOT com
I enjoyed her book “SEALed with a Ring”, and this one sounds like another great read. Thanks for the chance to win a copy.
castings at mindspring dot com
Now I am even more intrigued…sex in a canoe??? Count me in on this giveaway please! This would be my first read about a SEAL…very exciting!
Ooooo that picture completely entices me to read this! 🙂 Count me in for the giveaway.
sassysasha817 at gmail dot com
Great interview and the book sounds great. I can’t wait to read the canoe scene.
LOved the interview! I adore Alpha males. Put them in uniform even yummier! lol
Great review and interview! I’m sure it will take me a few minutes to get past that cover to the actual book!
meredithfl at gmail dot com
thanks for the giveaway
jenhedger at hotmail dot com
Would love to win. Donna
Hi Barb! Thanks so much for the great interview and giveaway:) I’ve read some great reviews for this book and would love to read it. Thanks for the opportunity!
Great interview! I can’t wait to read your books. I love that you found help with a real SEAL, it’s amazing.