Welcome to Sugarbeat’s Books
This week we are participating in the Spring blog carnival and giveaway. I’m featuring the books of Virna DePaul. Virna has graciously offered quite a selection of goodies that you could win. Drop by HERE to enter the giveaway. I’m also giving extra entries to the people who leave a comment or question for Virna in the comments. Virna’s been dropping by and answering your questions!
Chosen by Blood by Virna DePaul
ISBN: 978-0-425-241547
Publisher: Berkley Sensation
Release: May 3, 2011
Source: Received an ARC from the author to read and review
Five years after the Second Civil War ends, humans and otherborn— humanlike creatures with superhuman DNA—still struggle for peace. To ensure the continued rights of both, the FBI forms a Para-Ops team with a unique set of skills.
Leader of an Otherborn clan, half-breed vampire Knox Devereaux would do anything to find a cure for the anti-vamp vaccine slowly starving his people into extinction. When the FBI contacts him about leading a team of hand-selected Others on a mission to reclaim the stolen antidote, Knox accepts. His new assignment places him in direct contact with Special Agent Felicia Locke, the beautiful human he’s craved since their very first meeting.
This is the review for the latest book that I have read by Virna DePaul and I was honored to get an ARC to review. There is something mysterious about the ubiquitous plain orange cover of an early ARC. I’m quite a visual personal and I like looking at covers and forming a mental picture of what I’m about to read. I felt like I was heading into the unknown!! The cover that is above is recent and not on the cover of the book that I read!
As you can tell from the blurb, Chosen by Blood is a paranormal romance. It is the first book in the “Para-Ops Series”. Knox Devereaux is the head of his Vampire clan as his mother, the queen, is too sick to perform her duties any longer. This story starts at the end of the second civil war and is set in the United States. It seems that all humans have been given an anti-vamp vaccine which was supposed to protect humans from vampires. What it has done is poisoned the vampire’s food supply and they are slowly starving to death. Knox is desperate to protect his clan. When he is approached by Kyle Mahone, the director of the FBI’s special ops tactical team to form a team of “Otherborn” individuals dedicated to keeping the peace, he reluctantly accepts. It seems that there has been an antidote developed to the anti-vamp vaccine and he needs to help for the survival of his clan.
The Para-Ops team is formed of a motley collection of mixture of “Otherborn” creatures and humans. There is a werebeast with a big attitude, Wraith who is a ghost, Special Agent Felicia Locke, a human with a history with Knox, anther human with special powers and a mage. From this list you can well imagine that nothing is as it seems. Many of the characters have surprise powers and hidden histories that create problems.
I must admit right off, that I tend to skim frequently when I read. I don’t even realize that I’m doing it. That certainly got me into trouble with this book! Chosen by Blood is highly detail oriented. It is filled with characters that are exceedingly well formed and interconnected in many different ways. I frequently found myself coming to a screeching halt at points because I realize that I had no clue what was going on. I would go back a few pages and actually read, not skim, and figure out what I’d missed. The details are what make this book so interesting! Frequently the author tosses out details that may seem insignificant at the time, but several pages, or chapters later the reader finds themselves taking that detail and adding it to a building story. I know that I really had to concentrate to get the most from this story.
This story is most certainly a romance with a wonderful happily ever after, but is skillfully woven into a series. Although it is a complete story in and of itself, there are matters left hanging at the end, and various little teasers are present making the reader want to continue on with the next book. Chosen by Fate is the next book in the series and there was an excerpt at the end of the ARC that I read that has me counting the days until it’s release in the fall of this year.
I recommend this book and it can be found at Barnes & Noble and Amazon
I am so looking forward to reading the newest book in this series! Love them!
What is the thing you believe stands out about your books? How would readers describe your book, in your opinion?
Barbara, thanks for the wonderful review! Glad you enjoyed the book and all the little details! 😀
Leanne, Yay, thank you so much!!
Shana, I think my books are fast-paced and combine high action with deep emotion and sensuality. That’s what I’m hoping for! 🙂 Thanks for stopping by.
Oops! That should have been “Shanna” 🙂 Take care, V
Congrats on the new release! It sounds like it will be a great book and new series. How many books do you have planned for this series? When will the next book be released?
GFC follower: June M.
manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com
Thank you June! I have two under contract and am working on the proposal for the third. Chosen by Fate, Wraith and Caleb’s story, comes out October 2011. 🙂
This definitely sounds like an interesting read. I read on another post that you had several other books with different publishers….I never knew writers could have different publishers and I thought that was an interesting fact to learn 🙂 I’d love to be entered in this as I’m always looking for more books to read!
I got blessed enough to be accepted by Kensington Publishing to be a remote reviewer and I’m super excited about that. I might have to apply for some more with other publishers though as I tend to read a book a day… scary I know right? XD but I just adore a good book 😉
email is swtlilangeljc at yahoo dot com
Thanks so much Virna for having this giveaway and Barb too!
I am so excited about this book! I have been hearing absolutely wonderful things about it!! I can’t wait to read it 🙂
Sounds really good. Looking forward to getting to read it.
bacchus76 at myself dot com
Darn it I missed the giveaway! Well regardless this is a book that I have on my radar and plan on pick up.
How many books are planned for this series Virna?
Great review Barb!
Chelsea, How fun to be a remote reviewer for Kensington!! Being with different publishers is a good move for authors simply because you reach different readers and also increase your chances of longevity in the publishing business. Thanks so much for stopping by!!
Miranda, Thank you! I’m glad word of CBB has gotten out to people! 🙂
donnas, thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoy CBB!
blackroze37, No real people involved in my story. I just let my imagination go wild. Thanks so much for stopping by!
Ing: I’m working on book 3 right now. I would love to have at least 5 in the series. Thanks so much for commenting!