Welcome to Sugarbeat’s Books!
Today we continue with this week’s theme of highlighting Virna DePaul. I have read 4 stories by Virna and had enjoyed them all! She has been nice enough to provide us with outstanding prizes for the giveaway that is happening this week. To enter, fill out the form HERE. and if you want extra entries, leave a comment or a question for Virna in the comments of this post! Today, the review is of Cop Appeal – a spicy little erotica that Virna wrote under the name of Ava Meyers.
ASIN: B004H8G45Q
Publisher: Smashwords
Release: Dec 2010
Source: I received a copy of this book to read and review from The Romance Review. My post also appears HERE.
First comes love, then comes pleasure… Sarah’s always loved undercover cop Luke Anderson. Only Luke comes from money, plus he’s sexy AND honorable. Four years ago, she made the biggest mistake of her life–fearing she wasn’t good enough for Luke, she left him to marry another cop. A year after her divorce, Luke’s back to prove her wrong and show her what she’s been missing.
Cop Appeal has everything the reader could ask for in a spicy short story. The writing is flawless and the story is powerful. The sex scenes are ultra hot and the chemistry between Sarah and Luke will steam your glasses. Ms Meyers brings together old lovers, a stalker of an ex-husband, lots of men in blue to captivate and entertain the reader.
Four years ago, Sarah married the wrong man. She had made a decision between two men, Richard and Luke – both cops – and made the wrong one. Richard seemed charming and far less complicated than Luke. She went for Richard, but shortly after the honeymoon he showed his true, violent self. She has now been divorced for a year, but Richard is continuing to show his true colors with threatening notes and physical assaults. Enough is enough. Although she is nervous about reporting his behavior to the police, she feels she has no other options.
Luke has heard that Sarah is now single and he is back to take Sarah up on the promise she made when she decided to marry Richard. She had promised Luke that if she ever divorced Richard she’d “do Luke a different way, every day, Monday through Sunday.”
This short little story rockets along. There’s mystery, sizzling sex, touching romance and even a menage. I like that the author has created this “evil”ex-husband who won’t let go and the “white knights” (the police) to save Sarah. It’s wonderful to see an abusive husband brought down! It’s a story of admitting mistakes and recapturing one’s true love. And it’s about figuring out what is really important in life and letting all the baggage go.
I loved this little story and look forward to anything else that Ava Meyers writes!
My friend Aobilbiophile also reviewed this book HERE. My friend Wenj at Black Lagoon Reviews has also reviewed this book HERE.
This book is available on Smashwords and Amazon
hi Barb! great take on Cop Appeal. it’s always a pleasure to read other reviews of books i’ve read and reviewed as well. thanks for linking me up too! appreciate it! c”,)
Hi AO! Thanks for the visit! I liked your take on Cop Appeal also!
Just looking at the covers, I’m in. lol My husband is a retired state trooper (miss him in uniform – sexy!) Following your blog. Great review. I am having a give away (my first) on my blog this week and would love it if you had a moment to stop by and enter. Thanks. Donna
Hoping to read these books soon!
Hi Barb and Abe!!!! Hope you’re both doing well. State trooper husband…whew! Lucky gal, Donna, retired or not. Thanks for stopping by.
Great review! I am totally interested! 🙂
I follow via GFc
sassysasha817 at gmail dot com
Hi Barb:
Thanks for signing up as a follower, I’ve done the same here. Nice to know you once lived in my neck of the woods!!
Glad you liked this novella! It was amazing and I really enjoyed reading your thoughts on it 🙂 It’s always interesting to know how other reader’s opinions compare with my own LOL
I can’t wait for the next installment of this series 😀
Hi Wenj,
I have to say the same of your review! It was interesting to read how closely your thoughts matched mine! I’ve enjoyed everything that I’ve read by Virna so far!! Thanks for dropping by!
Sassy, Thanks for stopping by! I’m glad the story caught your eye.
Wenj, Hi there!! I’m hoping to have a new novella out soon! 🙂
blackroze37, Reviews can definitely be helpful! Thanks for posting!
Barbara, Thanks again for the review and exposure on your site!!! 🙂