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Today on the blog is a review of Amelia Grey’s latest historical romance, A Gentleman Never Tells. I am giving away my ARC of this book to a random follower. To enter, please fill in the form below so that I can get hold of you when you win! I really enjoyed this book and I hope you will as well. This giveaway ends on Thursday the 14th of July. I’m actually giving away several ARCs this month, so stay tuned for more free books as the month goes on!
A Gentleman Never Tells by Amelia Grey
The Rogues’ Dynasty #4
ISBN: 1402239750
Publisher: Sourcebooks, Inc
Source: I received a copy from the publisher to read and review.
When a lady is in a predicament…
Beautiful, clever and courageous Lady Gabrielle thwarts the shackles of her arranged betrothal by kissing a stranger in the park. But who is this man? Finding herself stuck in yet another forced engagement Gabrielle needs another strategy that isn’t so dangerous.
A gentleman may find himself in deep trouble…
Viscount Brentwood is walking in the park early one morning when a beautiful, enchanting young lady walks out of the mist and into his arms. Now Brent has no choice but to marry the delightful Lady Gabrielle.
Unfortunately his intended bride has other ideas, and the determined Viscount finds himself plunging into one scandal after another.
A Gentleman Never Tells by Amelia Grey starts with our heroine, Lady Gabrielle, the daughter of a duke, going for an early walk in the park with her massive dog Brutus when she runs into Judson, Viscount Brentwood walking his dog Pris. She is troubled by her discovery of her sister, Roseabelle in the arms of her fiance, Staunton. In this agitated state she decides to kiss this handsome stranger to see what a kiss is like. Unfortunately, they are discovered by her father and her fiance’s father and a potential scandal is in the works. Gabrielle’s father demands that Judson marry his ruined daughter, and the fiance’s father demands satisfaction. In just a few pages, this book is off to a rollicking start. Lady Gabrielle has no intention of marrying, and certainly not at the demand of her father! Judson, likewise really doesn’t want to get married, but the more time he spends with Gabrielle, the more enchanted he becomes with her.
I found this book a complicated book to read. There are a whole host of characters to keep straight. Not that this is an overly difficult task as they all appear to be unique and entertaining in their own ways. Gabrielle’s younger sister Roseabelle is a handful and creates problems at every turn with her self-centeredness. Gabrielle’s maternal aunt Beth is a riot. She lives to torment her brother-in-law, Gabrielle’s father, and provides a wonderfully warm maternal influence. I could go at length talking about the various characters, but suffice it to say that one of this author’s strengths is character development! The story line is fairly fast moving and carries the reader along for a ride that at times has the reader laughing, and at other times, has them shedding a few tears. I highly recommend this book! A thoroughly entertaining read! I must note that I didn’t realize that this book is one of a series until I started this review. I didn’t feel like I had any trouble following the story or that something was missing by not reading the previous 3 books.
Now for the giveaway. Comments are always nice and bring a smile to my face, but I need some information from you, such as your email address and mailing address, so please fill out the form so that everything is in one place!
Thanks and good luck!
I’m hooked! I filled out the form and tweeted. My twitter.. @unbrknwyld
Thanks so much Redd! Much appreciated! I thought this was a great book! I really enjoyed it!
I filled out form and tweeted:
Hi, it’s Amelia Grey! Google let me know that you put up the review. This is a GREAT site you have. I’ve never been here before. Thank you for the great review! I’d like to add that I’m happy to give an Amelia Grey back title away, if you’ll let me. I’m always looking for new readers. Just send me the name and address of the winner to ameliagey@comcast.net and I’ll send one of my back list.
My thanks, ladies!
Amelia Grey
Thanks so much for dropping by! That’s very generous of you to offer a back title! I’m sure the lucky winner will really appreicate it! You heard her ladies…..looks like we are giving away two books! Fill out the form to enter!
Just let me know who to send the book to and thank you for the great review!
You are very welcome! Thank you!
Thanks for the giveaway.
I tweeted http://twitter.com/#!/mbreakfield/status/90638350075179009