Welcome to Sugarbeat’s Books – The Home of the Romance Novel.
Today we are welcoming Minnette Meador to the blog to talk about her latest book, Gladiator Prince. She has visited with us before and I’m happy that she has come back to talk about her new book. She is touring with Goddessfish Promotions and she is giving away a $25.00 gift card from Amazon to a random commenter from the tour. To see the rest of the tour stops, click HERE.
Gladiator Prince sounds like an outstanding book!!! My glasses steamed up just reading the interview….it’s going on my wish list 🙂 So, without further ado, here is my discussion with Minnette:
Barb : Describe your new release in 20 words or less.
Minette : Man! That’s hard to do!
Thane escapes to find his children. Phaedra makes him take her with him. Love and disaster ensue. Rome burns.
Barb : Who is your favorite character in your new release? Why are they your favorite?
Minette : Thane has a definite place in my heart with the three H’s: hot, honest and honorable. However, Hasani is the ultimate bad boy; sneaky, conniving, funny, and gorgeous. As Hasani would say:
“You have proven a worthy opponent, gladiator, and presented me with a bit of a dilemma.” Hasani pursed his lips and whistled. “A veritable maelstrom of indecision”. He tilted his head to the side and smiled at Thane. “Then, to make matters decidedly problematic, I find myself somewhat… infatuated with the girl. You see my difficulty?”
Barb : Do you see yourself in any of your characters?
Minette : Oh, there are always bits and pieces here and there. I try to stay out of the mix as much as possible; the characters are much more interesting than I am!
Barb : What was your favorite scene? Why?
Minette : Phaedra sneaks into the ludi to watch Thane make love to a woman who has bought him for the night, so she can learn about sex. After he is finished with the woman, Phaedra slips off the roof and falls into his arms. He decides to teach her a lesson, but not the one she expects… Here’s a teaser:
He reached for his loincloth and tied it around his waist. “You were looking for instruction,” he said simply.
She gasped at him, and the red blossomed into her ears. “I…I… was not…” she sputtered then turned again to go.
“I could teach you, you know?” Thane was startled that he said it and even more when she turned around.
Her eyes darted quickly over his body, finally settling for his chin. “What?”
An irresistible thought sparked in Thane’s mind. Perhaps he could teach her something at that. He pulled the flap up between his legs, making certain to do it slowly for her benefit. Phaedra would get a lesson, all right, but not the one she came for.
“I said I could teach you.”
“What makes you think I need lessons in… in…”
“Sex?” He lifted one hand and ran it through his hair, knowing this was going to be very satisfying. “Partly because you cannot even say the word and partly because it is obvious you are still a virgin.”
Her eyes got as big as Persian tiles. “A virgin? Me? Why, I will have you know I was married to the son of a very famous Roman senator. Virgin indeed!”
Thane nodded and rubbed his hands against his thighs. If he thought he could get away with it, he would have turned her over his knee first, but this was better.
Barb : What were the challenges in bringing this book to life?
Minette : Finding the time to write it. I wanted it to be perfect and to take my time with the historical details. There is a lot of research in this book with a new subject (gladiators) and a new place (ancient Rome). I’m very proud of how it came out. Also, this story was a lot more intimate than my other historical; they were a bit epic and sweeping where this one was really about personal relationships and insurmountable barriers.
Barb : Did you know the title before you started writing?
Minette : I knew the title as soon as I thought about writing a new book about Thane. He is a very small character in The Edge of Honor, but I fell in love with him instantly. Since he was a Celtic Prince and a gladiator, it was a natural.
Barb : Tell me a little about yourself
Minette : Well, I live in beautiful Portland, OR with my husband and his sister, our cat Shelly (the cat formerly known as Spook), and a 22 year old miniature poodle named Pierre. As I’ve said before, Pierre pretty much runs the show, though the cat thinks she does. I am currently working for a mortgage company, write and promote full time. We travel locally a lot for book signings and I try to stay active, though my life has been pretty full as a writer. I used to teach special needs kids at my neighborhood grade school, but was laid off last year. I’m happy just to have a job right now.
Barb : Where would you live if you could live anywhere in the world?
Minette : Rome… or London. Either one works for me.
Barb : Who are your cheerleaders?
Minette : My family and especially my fans/friends. I have made some amazing friendships with the people who follow me on my blog hops, FB, Twitter, etc. They are all amazing people and I wouldn’t give that away for anything. We laugh, we cry, we stand together in our indignation and our silliness, and, above all, love to share virtual hugs and profound wisdom.
Barb : Did you have support at the beginning and/or during your writing?
Minette : When I first started writing, I didn’t have much support; in fact, it was a very rough critique that made me stop writing 25 years ago. However, with the amazing support of my sons and my DH, I started again in 2007 and haven’t looked back. My husband is the best kind of supporting spouse; he listens intently to everything I write, gives me invaluable critiques and praises, and loves everything I do. I have him trained so well! We’ve been married 18 years and still hold hands. I’ve never been loved like this before and I have never loved like this before.
Barb : What do you love about writing?
Minette : Plotting the book and finishing the book. The middle is kind of hard when you want to get to the end. But the addiction is lifelong, I’m afraid; as long as someone reads it, I will write it. I could do nothing else.
Barb : What’s the hardest part of writing a book?
Minette : The interminable edits. I try to go through the book at least a dozen or more times, hand it off to a critique partner who sends me suggestions, make more edits, send it off to beta readers, do more edits, send it off to my editor who makes more edits, and then 3-5 more after that does the trick. You kind of get sick of the whole book by that point, but like it again when it comes out in published book form!
Barb : Where can your fans find you?
Minette :Minnette’s Web Site
Writer’s Room FB Group – Tips, Tricks, & Traumas
Barb : Where can readers find your books?
Minette : Here are links, but they can be found just about anywhere books are sold:
Barb : What is in the works for you next?
Minette : The Bell Stalker will be hitting the stands on October 26th… here’s a peak:
an urban fantasy thriller
by Minnette Meador
RELEASE DATE: October 26, 2011
Resplendence Publishing
For a year, Belle Stark has struggled to conquer fears plaguing her since being attacked by a maniac who continues to roam free and the murder of her father. And she nearly succeeds, until she discovers her lover’s murdered body spread over the furniture, making Belle a prime suspect. Certain her attacker is to blame, she seeks help from her ex-husband, homicide detective Mike Cranston, the one person she swore she would never let back into her life, or heart. In their hunt for answers, the two uncover more than a lunatic: a supernatural underworld hidden beneath the tall skyscrapers of the city and a secret that could kill them both. Faced with a terrible choice, Belle surrenders herself to the hands of a monster and Mike must solve an ancient mystery before it’s too late to save her—
Also, I’ll be working on new books for next year. To see a list, just visit: http://minnettemeador.blogspot.com/p/books-to-come.html
Barb : Is there anything else you’d like to share to your followers and readers?
Minette : Just a big thanks to Sugarbeat’s Books for all their support in giving me an amazing place to share my books and my quirky foibles. You have one of the best blogs I’ve ever seen and I really love how much you support romance and romance writers. You guys are the best! :o)
I’d like to thank Minette for dropping by for a visit – and of course, steaming up my glasses with that racy interview 🙂 Everyone needs to click on a link above and pick up a copy of one of her books – they are outstanding! Here’s the blurb for Gladiator Prince. Just check out that cover…..
Prince Thane is the last surviving royalty of the Trinovantes Tribe in Roman Britannia, having surrendered to the Romans after the Boudicca Revolt to save his two daughters, whose identities he sacrifices his freedom to protect. He is condemned by Nero himself to become a gladiator, to fight until he dies in the arena. When his two daughters are taken in a slaver’s raid, Thane escapes, forcing the daughter of his master to take him to Rome to save his children. Little does he know that the beautiful Syrian woman holds not only the key to his passion, but a secret that triggers a disaster that ignites the world. Will this spoiled willful girl betray him in the end or sacrifice herself to save them all? Book III of the Centurion Series.
Author bio: Somewhere between thirty and dust…red hair, blue eyes…six kids, one slightly used husband, and any number of pets from time to time… wanttabe hippy… wanttheirmoney yuppie…pro musician and actress for 20 Years… native Oregonian… lover of music, beauty, and all things green. Willing slave to the venerable muse. Minnette currently resides in Portland, Oregon with her husband, having replaced the children with one dog. The dog, Pierre, pretty much runs the show.
Mary Preston
I think your favorite scene is now my favorite scene. Keep them coming.
I must say THE BELL STALKER looks amazing. I am drawn into that cover.
Minnette Meador
Thanks, Mary! I’ll let the designer you like that cover. This probably won’t be the final one, but I’m sure they will come up with something amazing… they always do.
Good morning to everyone else! Don’t forget to leave a comment… I’m giving away a beautiful full sized Roman coin key ring from the reign of Nero to someone who comments here today! Also don’t be shy… I love questions! :o)
Rae M.
Morning All!
Awesome description of the book! And Rome Burns. I don’t know why, but that last line struck me as really funny. I guess because no matter what that’s always the punchline. And as you can now see I’m weird. But I own it.
This may be a weird question (but in for a penny), why is your cat now Shelley and not Spook anymore?
Leanne Gagnon
Just stopping by to say I love your interview! I’m one of your biggest Cheerleaders 😉 Hope you having an awesome day! Now back to bed with me 😀 HUGS!!!!
Jan Beaver
Wow Minette – I’ll have to add these to my wish list. I love anything about Rome (am still basking in the afterglow from my 2008 visit to Rome/Italy) 🙂
And the Bell Stalker sounds intriguing too!
Keep ’em coming girl! Are you going to get back up to Tacoma anytime soon?
~ Jan Beaver
wow you are on a roll minnette. thanks for all the good writing.. you help me keep my head up that my book will get its day … i love the way you write your books. brigitte
Nichole B
🙂 Can’t believe the tour is almost over!! 😛 This blurb is a really juicy one and I can’t wait for the whole thing.
Do you ever feel like your giving a lot of your self away with interviews? You do so many it seems and I would think it would be hard to come up with things
LuAnn Morgan
The Bell Stalker sounds absolutely intriguing. What a great idea for a story! How did you ever come up with it?
afternoon! 🙂 stalker #2 signing off! :p
tammy ramey
good morning Minnette,
i have to say that every time i read that excerpt i laugh, it is just so funny and hot at the same time.
Chelsea B.
Great interview! And I am looking forward to reading more of that scene! 😉
Kirsten Ferrigan
Always love your interviews!! Your favorite scene was fantastic! 😉 this will be a great book!
Happy Friday! The months seem to be flying by so fast! “Hot, honest and honorable” are three H’s I would definitely apply to my ideal hero.
Nichole B
Na, you got it right!! Those H’s seem very very essential 🙂
You guys think we can work at breaking a few records with these last few days of the Hop? Go out with a bang and really spread the word out there to get over 100 comments? 🙂
Hi! Hope your having a great day! Any plans for the weekend? Great interview! I love when we get sneek peeks! He wants to teach her and turn her over his knee? Tell ya what, ill take her place. lol 😉 I cant wait for The Bell Stalker, sounds so good! Its gonna be awesome! I am counting down days! 🙂 Hope you have a wonderful weekend! Enjoy and try not to work too hard! (unless its on a book) lol
Chelsea Rafferty
Just sending you some love Minnette! Sorry I haven’t been as “stalkerish” as Leanne *cough* I mean, how I normally am… *innocent look* 😛 hehe! Been busy with class and my son and trying a new diet (lost 3.6 pounds in 4 days, its amazing so far) so I’ve been way crazy busy but I wanted to stop by and give you some support because you’re one of the sweetest, outgoing ladies I’ve meet on facebook *huggles*
Minnette Meador
Sorry I’m so late getting back here… Ended doing 11 hours today at work! ~Whew~
Hey, Rae! Shelly was our cat until one of my sons decided he wanted a cat (we had bunches then) so he adopted her and changed her name… Personally, I like Spook better! :o)
Hugs back, Leanne – Hope you’re feeling a little better. Keep us up to day on what that doctor says and make sure to take care of yourself. ~Cheerleading back at ‘cha!~
Hi, Jan! I’m soooo jealous! Since Borders closed ~sniff~ up there, I probably won’t unless I find another book store that wants to invite me up there. Tacoma Borders was my best store and I sold lots of books up there. I’m going to miss them so much… :0(
Thanks, Brigitte! You are so sweet! :o)
I know, Nicole! Isn’t that weird? It doesn’t even feel like we went 2 weeks let alone almost 4! But we still have one more in October, so stay tuned…
Hi, LuAnn! I’m so glad you could come over here today… Bell Stalker is a bit different, I won’t lie to you. But you’re going to love the good guy (and probably the bad guy too… a little).
Hi, Bama! Love my stalkers!
Hi, Tammy… Yes, ma’am! The rest of it isn’t bad either…
Hi, Chelsea B!
You are too kind, Kristen!
Me too, Na… I love my gladiator…
Oh, Nichole!!! I love how you think… That would be fantastic. Maybe I can contribute something like say, 2 signed books to the person who can bring the most people to the last two days of the hop. What do you think? Just tell them to mention you in the post.
Hi, Shadow… Nope… It’s my first weekend off in months and I have to judge a romance contest, so I’m bundling up in bed with my entries, coffee, and a box of… carrots. You thought I was going to say chocolate, didn’t you? LOL
Oh, Chelsea R I love it whenever you come over to play! Right back at cha! Hugs 2!
lol i did think chocolate. everyones been talking about it. 😉 hope you enjoy the weekend off (the reading contest sounds fun! hope it is for ya!) enjoy! have a wonderful, fantastic evening…make that weekend! 🙂
Minnette Meador
Thanks, sweetie! Actually, I have another stop tomorrow on the blog hop, so come on over if you can. I’ll post a link up as always… :o)
Diane Taylor
I always love a good Gladiator story. I’ll have to put it on my TBR list. I can hardly wait…
Hope your Tour is going well and you at least get SOME sleep during your whilwind visits. 😀
Rachel Watson
I always look forward to your updates, Minnette. They always lead to fun and interesting conversations. I absolutely LOVE the covers of all your books. More added to my must have list. I’ll fade back to my lurking mode now. Hope everyone has a good weekend!
Sarah Ulfers
I don’t get the book tour thingy but I loved you scene and excerpt.
barbara s
Book sounds great; another to add to my TBR list:)
Minnette Meador
Thanks, Barbara! I hope you get a chance to read it. :o)
Jean Paquin
I am really getting tired of real life interferring with my following this tour.
Question: Thane escapes and forces Phaedra to take him to Rome, but isn’t he already in Rome? Where are the gladiators/matches held that he would be out of Rome?
Leanne Gagnon
Thanks!!! I promise I will 😀
Kirsten Ferrigan
Hope the tour is still going great! Always love reading your interviews!
Kirsten F
Minnette Meador
Hi, Jean – Actually, this is an old synopsis… I must have sent the wrong one. Actually, it’s the other way around; Phaedra forces Thane to take her and her brother to Rome. They start out in Roman Britannia. Britannia had arenas as did most of the other Roman occupied countries of the time – gladiatorial fights were the equivalent of movies back in those days. The ludus (the training facility where they train) is in the town of Verulamium (current day St. Albans in England). The book takes place as they flee through Britannia finally arriving in Rome. :o)
Thanks, Kirsten! :o)
Minnette Meador
Thanks, Diane… Sleep? Who needs sleep? :o)
I’m so glad you could join us, Rachel! I love lurkers and stalkers equally…:o)
Thanks, Sarah. I love doing tours; it’s a great way to meet new people and helps me to get my books out there to people who may not otherwise know them. They’re also lots of fun for everyone! :o)
Minnette Meador
Thanks to everyone who came by and left comments… It was really fun and I want to especially thank the fabulous Sugarbeats people! Make sure to join and follow their blog… great stuff here!
And the winner of the coin key chain is…
Sarah Ulfers! Congratulations, lady! Just send your name and mailing address to mmeador at minnettemeador dot com and I’ll get it mailed out to you!
Onto the next stop… :o)
stopping by for a chance to win… love love these books! 🙂
Minnette Meador
Thanks, Vanetta! Got you in there! :o)
Illyana shemanski
Looks good! A must read!
Minnette Meador
Thanks, Lilly! :o)