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Today we will be talking about Lord and Lady Spy by Shana Galen. I am delighted to bring you my review of this wonderful book. If I’ve managed to convince you that you really must read it, fill out the form to win a free copy of this book! You will also notice that the post after this one is an interview with Shana – make sure you take a few minutes to read that – I loved learning all about this author!
Lord and Lady Spy by Shana Galen
ISBN: 978-1-4022-5907-4
Release: Sept 2011
Publisher: Sourcebooks
Source: I received a copy of this book to read and review
No Man Can Outsmart Him…
Lord Adrian Smythe may appear a perfectly boring gentleman, but he leads a thrilling life as one of England’s most preeminent spies, an identity so clandestine even his wife is unaware of it. But he isn’t the only one with secrets….
But One Woman Almost Certainly Can…
Now that the Napoleonic wars have come to an end, daring secret agent Lady Sophia Smythe can hardly bear the thought of returning home to her tedious husband. Until she discovers in the dark of night that he’s not who she thinks he is after all….
Shana Galen’s latest book, Lord and Lady Spy was totally outstanding!! I just thought I’d get that point out of the way as I stumble along, trying to find words to properly express my enjoyment of this book! I generally refuse to apply a star rating to my book reviews as I think a book is more than just a collection of stars. This book, however is a 5 in every category you can find!
As you all know I’m a fan of regency romances, so I was totally in my element reading this book. I actually had trouble working my way through the books ahead of this one in line. Just look at that cover – you just know this book is going to be fun! Finally the time arrived to start Lord and Lady Spy and I was gripped right from the first chapter! What a premise for a book – a couple that has an arranged marriage are both well respected spies in their own right, but neither knows the other is a spy – but the butler knows…..don’t they always??
The end of the Napoleonic Wars have been reached and both Adrian (Lord Spy) and Sophia (Lady Spy) are officially retired. They are told their services are no longer needed. How devastating! What will they do – they don’t actually want to stay at home with their spouse. So when they are separately issued a summons to appear at a warehouse at midnight about a potential job, they both jumped at the offer. During this meeting they both discovered the other one was a spy. (after quite an interesting fight scene!) The rest of the story is a rollicking good time! As RT Book Reviews says :” Fast-paced, action packed….will leave you breathless.” This comment is absolutely true! Although Adrian and Sophia are trying to solve a murder in order to win a coveted position in a spy agency, their interactions keep the story moving at light speed.
As you can imagine they are very different personalities and are constantly at odds with one another’s methods. Adrian seems to me to be the ultimate in debonair noblemen. Calm, cool and collected. I actually picture him to be like James Bond (the first one!) Sophia is the ultimate in kick-ass heroines. She’s a lady, but she’s not afraid to kick some butt when the occasion calls for it, yet can dress up for a ball and be a beautiful noblewoman! The chemistry between these characters will scorch the pages and the constant sniping at one another will have you laughing between the tears. This story is at times funny, seeringly hot, full of snappy dialogue, and most importantly, deals with a couple’s relationship that has fallen apart, so it is at times very heart wrenching!
Let’s talk about the secondary characters! Characters are Shana Galen’s thing! She does an outstanding job of creating vivid characters that simply come to life and jump off the pages of the book. The butler, Wallace, is a wonderful addition to this story! He is the model of a proper British Butler, but he is so much more! He is the keeper of secrets. It seems that he is the only person, outside of the government that is aware that both Adrian and Sophia are spies, but never lets the other know. Agent Blue in his garish clothes is an awesome character! I love how he so gently cares for Sophia, while throwing the scent off anyone thinking he is anything but a fop with bad taste in clothes. Absolutely outstanding characters! If you close your eyes you can just picture them in all their glory!
Well, enough of my blithering on about this book. I really hope that there will be another book that continues from the end of this one. My fingers are crossed! I am off to hunt down anything that Shana has written in the past and devour it as I have done to this book. One point of warning, clear your calendar before you pick up this book. It’s very difficult to put down!
If I have convinced you that you really must read this book….fill out the form and cross your fingers!
Great review. Thanks for the giveaway.
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