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Today is a review of the latest book that I have received from Sourcebooks, A Dash of Scandal by Amelia Grey. As you all know, I like to pass on books that I have enjoyed so that someone else can also enjoy it. Because of this, if you are interested in winning a copy of this book, just fill out the form below and I’ll draw a name in a week or so. This giveaway is only open to US/Canadian mailing addresses due to mailing costs!
A Dash of Scandal by Amelia Grey
ISBN: 978-1-4022-3979-3
Release: October 2011
Publisher : Sourcebooks
Source: I received a copy of this book to read and review by the publisher
Is she stealing….or just hiding in dark corners…..
The Earl of Dunraven is obsessed with catching the thief who stole a pricelss heirloom from him. When he keeps running into London newcomer Millicent Blair in places she shouldn’t be, his suspicions aren’t the only thing aroused…But Millicent’s real secret is a far cry from what the earl thinks – and would horrify him much more if he knew. Yet, every encounter increases the attraction between the powerful earl and the lovely, intelligent, and feisty Miss Blair…
Welcome to the sparkling Regency world of Amelia Grey, where the gossip is fresh and a new scandal is always brewing.
The Earl of Dunraven or Chandler Prestwick is better known as one of the Terrible Threesome – a troublesome trio of rogues that are often the target of the notorious gossip columnist, Lord Truefitt. If he could only figure out who Lord Truefitt he would put the man out of business. He’s tired of being the frequent topic of a gossip column especially now that his golden eagle has been stolen!
Millicent Blair has been sent to town by her mother to serve as a companion to her Aunt Beatrice who has been injured. Aunt Beatrice had taken a fall over her beloved pooch, Hamlet, and is now bedridden until she heals. The problem is that Aunt Beatrice augments her spending money by writing a gossip column. She is Lord Truefitt! Since she can’t get around to the parties, she needs Millicent to go to the parties for her and collect the gossip. Millicent makes herself look as dowdy as possible so that she can blend in, but it seems that Chandler see right though her disguise. He also suspects her of being the thief that is stealing valuables from houses and sets out to solve this puzzle.
This books is totally delightful! It is funny, full of wonderfully colorful characters and unexpected plot twists and turns. The dialogue is witty and the chemistry between Chandler and Millicent simply sizzles. As you can well imagine, the characters have the story rocking and rolling right along! Millicent is pretending to be someone else and is determined that no one discover who she really is. Chandler is determined to find the thief and is suspicious of everyone – even Millicent. He can’t seem to figure out why she keeps writing notes on her dance card – not names of partners. Although he wouldn’t admit it to his friends, Chandler has been contemplating settling down over the previous months. Millicent is the first woman to intrigue him in a long time. Aunt Beatrice is a piece of work – determined that Millicent continue doing her work, but one wonders if she is really that hurt, really needs the money, or if she is just trying to set up Millicent with the perfect match.
I tend to be a sucker for a Regency romance and one with a couple of Rogues is even better 🙂 I loved reading about the developing relationship between Chandler and Millicent and I’m wondering if Chandler’s friends will be the topic of some books in the future.
The book sounds great! I too, am a sucker for Regency Romances, this looks too good!
Hi Morgan! Thanks for entering! I am a sucker also. i would rather read a Regency Romance than anything else!