Welcome to Sugarbeat’s Books – The Home of the Romance Novel
Today we are welcoming Gem Sivad to the blog! She is the author of several books, and is touring iwth SizzlingPR to promote her latest, Five Card Stud. I hope you enjoy what she’s sharing with us today!
Hi, my name is Gem Sivad. I write steamy, historical western romances. I have been asked many times why I choose to write period rather than contemporary stories. When I am laboring over the wordage, trolling the research sites for appropriate vintage clothing, or trying to make my h/h fit within the mores of the time period, I would say I write historical because I’m a masochist.
More than the terrain and setting have to be correct when you’re writing historical novels. Words and modern phraseology have to be edited carefully. Let me give you an example of what I mean…
Information from The Online Etymology Dictionary
“vessel,” from late O.E. pott and O.Fr. pot, both from a general Low Gmc. and Romanic word from V.L. *pottus, of uncertain origin, said by OED to be unconnected to L.L. potus “drinking cup” (c.600). Celtic forms are said to be borrowed from Eng. and French. Slang meaning “large sum of money staked on a bet” is attested from 1823. Potbellied is first attested 1657; potholder is from 1928. Pot roast is from 1881; pot-pie is 1823, Amer.Eng.; phrase go to pot (16c.) suggests cooking. Potted in the fig. sense of “put into a short, condensed form” is attested from 1866. In phrases, the pot calls the kettle black-arse is from c.1700; shit or get off the pot is traced by Partridge to Canadian armed forces in World War II.
So What?
If you’re writing historical fiction about 1887, you can set a pot on the potbellied stove to prepare a potroast or a pot-pie, with some potted meat, while a poker game goes on and gamblers play for the pot, but when supper’s ready, the cook can’t use a potholder to retrieve the meal.
I know you wanted to know that.
So why do I write historical romance? I love writing kick-ass stories about the Old West. <BG>
Five Card Stud Reviews:
“Gem Sivad is a master with words and is able to bring forth every emotion she wants her readers to feel with absolute clarity. I am so excited about this story and the series! This book has to be the best historical western I’ve ever read!”
Rating:5 Teacups & a Recommended Read!
Read Full Review @ Happily Ever After Reviews
“This novel is one of the best books I’ve read in a long time. I don’t usually read books twice, but this one? Oh yes. And it helps that in my mind I saw Josh Holloway playing Sam—and I thought several times while reading: Damn, this would make such a cool movie. Yeah, it’s that good.”
Rating-5/5 & The Golden Nib Award for Books that Knock Our Socks Off!
Read Full Review– @ Miz Love Loves Books
Passionate Plume Award– Best Historical Romance of 2011.
EPIC AWARD 2012– FINALIST- Best Historical Romance