Welcome to the last week of March break – at least in this household!
I’ve determined that I need to get more organized before summer break arrives 🙂 My ability to be a last minute poster reached new heights this week……
My survey of book bloggers continues. I’ve had such a wonderful response that I’ve decided to extend the deadline for another month! If you haven’t had the opportunity to share your thoughts, click HERE to go to the post.
I hosted Genie Gabriel, author of Picture Perfect Legacy yesterday. She is touring with Goddessfish Promotions and is giving away a gift card to a commenter from the tour. Drop by the POST and leave a comment to be entered.
On Monday, Mallory Kane dropped by to share some information and has offered up either a copy of her book Hard to Hold or a book from her backlist. To be entered click HERE to go to the post and leave a comment. Good luck!
The giveaway for several of Sabrina Jeffries‘ Hellions of Halstead Hall series books will still be active until Sunday. Click HERE to go to the post and enter the giveaway!
Lastly, I want to congratulate Nancy Lee Badger for winning first prize in the Silken Sands Self-Published Star Contest for her book Dragon in the Mist! Drop by and congratulate her on her win.
Hope everyone has a great weekend and thanks for dropping by!
Related articles
- Where did March Break go? (ryanturgeon.wordpress.com)
- The Romance Reviews Anniversary Party (gbisset.blogspot.com)
- Weather Win for March Break (wistfullywandering.wordpress.com)
[…] Friday Wrap up – week of March 19th (sugarbeatsbooks.com) function resizeCrossDomainIframe(id, other_domain) { var iframe = document.getElementById(id); window.addEventListener('message', function(event) { if (event.origin !== other_domain) return; // only accept messages from the specified domain if (isNaN(event.data)) return; // only accept something which can be parsed as a number var height = parseInt(event.data) + 32; // add some extra height to avoid scrollbar iframe.height = height + "px"; }, false); } SugarbeatRomance Book Blogger, Book Reviewer, Bookseller, Voracious reader, Student of WordPress and learner of SEO….. Follow Me Via: Twitter * Facebook * Google+ * GoodreadsMore Posts Posted in Giveaway, Guest Post, Historical Romance […]