Welcome to Sugarbeat’s Books – The Home of the Romance Novel!
Today we are welcoming Nana Malone to the blog. She is the author of several books, but the one we will be talking about today is Reluctant Protector. She’s answered some questions for me and we will be learning more about her and her writing. I’ve included a blurb at the end so you can see if this book is for you. Enjoy!
Barb – Tell us a bit about yourself and your writing.
Nana – My writing career started with Bridget…Jones that is. I was in New York hating pretty much every aspect of my PR job but the writing when I picked up Bridget Jones’s Diary from the library. After I stayed up all night to finish it, I wished I could do that, put words to paper and make people laugh or cry or cringe. Then I thought, why not. It took me a little while but I published my first novel in 2010 with The Wild Rose Press. I just published my latest novel, Reluctant Protector in December.
When I’m not writing, I’m a hyper-organized project manger who drives my husband, daughter and Scottish Terrier crazy with my lists and plans.
Barb – What is your favorite part of writing?
Nana – The story. Before I ever write a word, the characters become part of me. They feel like friends. It’s the real thrill of writing for me.
Barb – What part of writing do you find the most challenging?
Nana – Oh God. The edits by far. By the time I write the story, I’m so connected to the characters, I’m loathe to change a word. But at the end of the day I want a great product so I throw myself into them.
Barb – Tell us a bit about your new release – Reluctant Protector.
Nana – Reluctant Protector is the first in a series of Superhero Romances.
For five years, Cassie Reeser has been her brother’s personal lab rat. Peter’s experiments have made her a stronger, faster, better human. And she’s not the only one. For five years, escape has eluded her. Until now.
Seth Adams is used to sifting through lies to find the truth. As a former war correspondent he knows what evils lurk in the world. When he finds Cassie hiding out in his car trunk, her story sounds like a fantastical dream. But, before long, he witnesses firsthand the evil she’s running from.
Barb – This book is listed as a “superhero romance”. Can you please explain what you mean by that label?
Nana – Well, I love the idea of love, so romance is where it’s at for me. I love nothing more than a happy ending. And god, I’ve dreamt of having super powers. The ability to fly or move things by mere thought. Imagine that. Now imagine you have the responsibility to do good, or evil…or at least not do things for personal gain. Lol.
For a superhero romance I wanted to explore a different way of getting superpowers. I wanted to look at the emotional changes normal human beings would have to go through to accept such a drastic change. It’s not all fun and willing money out of a bank vault. Add to that a relationship development and I think it’s a compelling story.
Barb – What challenges did you face bringing this book to market, if any.
Nana – Well for starters, this isn’t really a genre, so trying to figure out how to categorize is a challenge within itself. Then add that it’s something unexpected, and sometimes it’s a hard sell.
Barb – Do you have a favorite character in Reluctant Protector?
Nana – God, I love Seth. He’s sexy and fun, and sarcastic, but charming. He was fun to write.
Barb – When you write, do you start with an outline, or do you let the characters take the story away?!
Nana – Well, the very first novel I ever wrote took me eight years to complete. I had no idea where I was going and wrote, then rewrote to fix things. It was a mess. And given my hyper organized nature, I thought a hyper organized outline was the answer. My first published novel took a year. I’ve since learned that I really prefer a blend. A very skeletal outline, then I just go. It works for me.
Barb – What is your favorite all time book – or is there more than one?
Nana – OMG, you can’t ask a writer that question! Okay, if I must then it’s a toss up between Pride and Prejudice and To Kill a Mockingbird. I read each of those at least once a year.
Barb – Where can your fans keep in touch with you?
Nana – All kinds of places 🙂
Facebook: www.facebook.com/nanamalone
Twitter: www.twitter.com/nanamalone
My website: www.nanamalone.com
And I love to get fan mail: nana@nanamaloneromance.com
Barb – What do you have in the works, and when can your fans expect your next book?
Nana – Funny you should ask that J My next novel, titled Sexy in Stilettos is a fun, flirty contemporary and will be available this April. The sequel to Reluctant Protector, Forsaken Protector, will be available in the early part of summer.
Barb – Do you have anything else you’d like to add?
Nana – Besides, thank you for having me? I’m really excited about my writing journey this year and I hope some of your blog followers join me on the journey.
I’d like to thank Nana for dropping by and sharing about this interesting book! Keep reading and see if this is something that might appeal to you. Drop by Nana’s site and say hi or follower her on Twitter!
Bio: My love of all things romance and adventure started with a tattered romantic suspense I borrowed from my cousin on a sultry summer afternoon in Ghana at a precocious thirteen. I’ve been in love with kick butt heroines ever since. With my overactive imagination, and channeling my inner Buffy, it was only a matter a time before I started creating my own characters.
Waiting for my chance at a job as a ninja assassin, I, meantime work out my drama, passion and sass with fictional characters every bit as sassy and kick butt as I thinks I am. Though, until that ninja job comes through, you’ll find me acting out scenes for hubby and puppy while catching up on my favorite reality television shows in sunny San Diego.
Title: Reluctant Protector
Genre: Superhero Romance (So Paranormal elements and erotica)
Author Name: Nana Malone
Book Blurb:
For five years, Cassie Reeser has been her brother’s personal lab rat. Peter’s experiments have made her a stronger, faster, better human. And she’s not the only one – he’s been experimenting on others as well. For five years, escape has eluded her. Until now. When she finds out he plans to sell her as a human weapon she knows it’s now or never. To make her escape she’ll sacrifice family bonds and leave behind the one person who’s ever helped her. Cassie’s learned to shrink from kindness and to never trust anyone. She knows the day Peter finally captures her will be the day she dies. To elude her brother and save the others, she’ll have to risk her body and her heart. What she doesn’t expect is a chance at a normal life.
Seth Adams is used to sifting through lies to find the truth. As a former war correspondent he knows what evils lurk in the world. When he finds Cassie hiding out in his car trunk, her story sounds like a fantastical dream. But, before long, he witnesses firsthand what she’s talking about when they’re attacked by a group of Peter’s soldiers. As a result, he goes through his own transformation into a super human and realizes the extent of what Cassie is running from. Cassie might not think she needs his protection, but he’ll die before he lets her brother have her back.