Welcome to Sugarbeat’s Books – The Home of the Romance Novel!
Today we are welcoming Sara Brookes, author of Chasing Sin to the blog. She’s here today to talk about her book and to answer some questions. As an incentive, she’s offering a $50 Amazon GC to one randomly drawn commenter. Since this is a tour, to increase your chance of winning, click here to follow the tour and find more places to leave comments. I’m in the process of writing up my review. Check back in a few days when I share my thoughts about this book!
Barb – Tell us a bit about yourself and your writing.
Sara – I’m Sara Brookes and I’ve been writing professionally for around five years. I write in a variety of genres and heat levels in romance, mostly because different aspects of different genres appeal to me. Be it contemporary, paranormal, futuristic/sci-fi or urban fantasy—if it’s an interesting story, I’ll write it.
Barb – What is your favorite part of writing?
Sara – Creating a story from a small kernel of an idea. It’s always amazing to me to see the finished book and remember where it started.
Barb – What part of writing do you find the most challenging?
Sara – Probably very similar from my favorite thing. LOL Sometimes I’ll have the idea for a story and no idea how to make it reality. I’ll jot it down to revisit later to see if I can make it work.
Barb – Tell us a bit about your new release – Chasing Sin.
Sara – It’s an erotic menage where the two men are already involved in a deeply committed relationship. They’ve been hot for a long time for their colleague and when she takes things a little too far out in the field one day, they’ve had enough. They’re going to tell her right here and right now. The sparks fly when the trio comes together and the adrenaline really kicks in then.
Barb – What challenges did you face bringing this book to market, if any.
Sara – Writing weather was a challenge. Everyone in the world experiences it. It’s not something you can make up as it’s real and tangible. So bringing it to life on the page was something that was definitely a challenge. Hopefully, I’ve pulled it off!
Barb – Do you have a favorite character in Chasing Sin?
Sara – Definitely Kate. She’s a strong, independent woman who is so confused about the feeling she has for these two men. She is attracted to them, wants to be with them, but doesn’t feel as if an usual relationship between three people could work. That’s ultimately what drives her away the next morning, and what keeps her away. The men aren’t going to give up on her so easily, though.
Barb – When you write, do you start with an outline, or do you let the characters take the story away?!
Sara – Oh they definitely take it away, no question about that. I usually know the high-level points to hit in the book, but that’s about it. It’s rare for me to know everything about the book when I start it. I once wrote a book backward.
Barb – What is your favorite all time book – or is there more than one?
Sara – I can read Stephen King’s IT all day long. The first time I read it, it freaked me out. So much so, I was standing in a line with my mom during a family trip staring off into space and it took her a few minutes to get my attention. I was so wrapped up in the story!
Barb – Where can your fans keep in touch with you?
Sara – They can always email me, I read everything that comes in. I’m active on Twitter and love talking real-time to readers and other authors there. I’m also on Facebook and I have an announcement list that I just started where the only emails that come through are for when a new book releases. All of that information is available on my website.
Barb – What do you have in the works, and when can your fans expect your next book?
Sara – I have a sci-fi/futuristic erotic romance titled Lethal Beauty coming in late July. It’s part of Decadent Publishing’s Elatia line. I really loved the hero and heroine in this novella, so I’m excited to get to share them. I just turned in a super sexy short to my editor and I’m getting ready to submit a smoking hot novella to another publisher. I have a few fulls in the pipeline next and I’m anxious to get those out on submission as well.
Barb – Do you have anything else you’d like to add?
Sara – Thanks so much for having me here today and answering some fabulous questions!
Every spring, Kate risks her life chasing violent storms. Tired of watching her take unnecessary chances, two of her closest friends offer a different thrill. Devoted lovers Snyder and Tripp don’t just share a passion for nature’s fury; they long to have the fearless woman between them.
Though she is reluctant, she also knows the proposition is too irresistible to refuse. Her acceptance leads to an explosive night of no-holes-barred sex for the threesome. However, when morning dawns, she realizes this type of unusual relationship isn’t one she belongs in.
Despite her best efforts to keep the men at arm’s length, Kate finds herself facing down the storm of the century with them at her side. With Mother Nature intruding, the trio discovers shelter in each other’s arms. With the hurricane raging outside and passion raging inside, everything is at stake.
“We’re looking at a direct hit. Almost as if we had a great big target on my roof.” Sometimes it was all about knowing your gut and he’d bet anything those instincts drove her forecast. Kate sighed heavily as she pushed away from the table. “Though I don’t think it’s going to strengthen any more. Unless I’m wrong about that too.”
Doubt was a natural part of this business and he’d seen her have it enough to know she didn’t truly believe she’d made an error. “Should I remind you that after five years of chasing together you’ve never been wrong?”
Her eyes cut to the computer. “I think in this case I wish I was.”
“Wish you were what?” Tripp’s voice, still thick with sleep, sounded behind Snyder. He pressed a quick kiss to the back of Snyder’s neck as he passed, and Snyder took a moment to admire the way his ass moved under the towel he’d slung around his hips. “Got any coffee?”
“Third cabinet on the left. Top shelf.”
Snyder watched Kate’s focus return to the laptop but he’d seen something that caused him to smile. It had been subtle, and if he hadn’t been watching her, he would have missed it completely.
But seen it he had.
That faint shimmer of those strong eyes, the flash of red on her cheeks when Tripp came up behind him and kissed his neck, was hard to simply ignore. Whatever reason had driven her out of the hotel room that night hadn’t been because of the lack of desire. The brief flare had been enough to tell him she wanted them both still.
Lucky for them, sitting around waiting for this monster to get here at the end of the week left him plenty of time to get to the bottom of things. One of the few times he was certainly going to appreciate the downtime.
Sara Brookes is an award-winning author who has always been fascinated by the strange, the unusual, the twisted and the lost (tortured heroes are her personal favorite). She is an action movie junkie, addicted to coffee and has been known to stay up until the wee hours of the morning playing RPG video games. Despite all this, she is a romantic at heart and is always a sucker for an excellent love story. Born and bred in Virginia, Sara still lives there with her husband and daughter. The entire family is owned by two cats, Galahad and Loki, who graciously allow the family to cater to their every desire.
Sara can be found:
Chasing Sin can be found Here
Thank you for hosting Sara today.
Hi again Sara,
My visits with you during your blog tour have been a bit spotty but I hope to be able to finish out the week with you.
I was interested in the fact you write in multiple genres. This raises several questions, so let’s get started:
1. Which of the genres you write is your favorite? Which genre is most fun to write?
2. Is there a difference in the amount, or type, of research you do for each genre?
3. Have you ever combined genres? If so, did you like the result?
4. What other genres do you plan to write?
5. Have you ever thought about writing a historical? If so, what time period would you chose and why?
Guess that will keep you busy for awhile! LOL
Thanks for following along, Karen!
1. I get asked about which genre is my favorite to write quite a bit and the answer is always the same: I don’t have one! There are particular things that I like about the genres I write that I love. That’s what keeps me writing them.
2. No matter the genre, the story & characters usually dictates the amount of research needed. Especially how it falls in line with my own personal knowledge. I’ve been though a lot of hurricanes where I live on the coast, but not many tornadoes. So I had to research tornadoes more than hurricanes.
3. Yes! I have a futuristic romance series called the Star Runner Saga. Though it is futuristic where they fly around in space ships and there’s definitely advanced technology (her co-pilot is an android), the lead female is also a tactilepath. Which means she can read your mind, insert images into your head that you think are absolutely real – so that brings in a little paranormal to the series. Another character in the series need other people’s life-force in order to live – a vampire of sorts, but he doesn’t need blood…he needs life. I like to think it all works out well. LOL
4. Right now I’m just continuing on with genres that I’ve already worked in. But as I’ve said before, I never say never.
5. Oh, I admire authors who can write historical. I tried my hand at it once when I first started writing novel-length and I just can not do it. I’ll leave that to those who have a better hand at it than myself. :^)
I always like it in menages when the men have a meaningful connection–it turns me off when they do everything possible not to touch. Looking forward to reading the book!
That’s actually what drew me to write m/m/f, Trix. I tried my hand at m/f/m menage, and while I like to think I pulled it off, I kept wanting to guys to touch each other. LOL
Great post. Loved the excerpt. Sara is a new author me. I love to read and always looking for new authors to check out. I agree with @trix andr love when everyone can get along in the relationship. It makes the story and the relationship work? Thanks for the giveaway.
Galahad and Loki? What lovely kitty cat names. Is there a story behind them? I have a Missy and a Chewy. Chewy is so named because he is a nibbler…not due to any resemblance to Chewbacca. We used to also have a Dewey….named for Melville Dewey. Can you guess that I’m a librarian?? LOL.
catherinelee100 at gmail dot com
Naming my cats was kind of like naming a character. They weren’t named right away until I got to know their personality after a few days of being around them. Galahad is a cuddler. He wants to be near you every chance he can get. He’s also fiercely protective, so he’s named after Sir Galahad, one of the Knights of the Round Table. Loki is the complete opposite. He only want to be around you when he chooses. He is…chaos in cat form. Definitely a trouble maker, so he’s named after the Norse god of mischief–Loki.
Catherine, I love your cats’ names! Especially Dewey — so cute!
This sounds like an interesting read. Our area has had its share of tornado activity and I am truly amazed at the courage of the storm chasers. I prefer to be in the basement away from the storm!
Thank you for the giveaway!
There seems to be alot of books out there dealing with threesomes. I’m not sure about it , but I love the book cover.
I love the idea of you writing a book backward. I have never read IT by Stephen King. I should I think.
Congrats on the new release. Thanks for the great post and excerpt. How long have Snyder and Tripp been in a relationship? This book sounds fantastic. Can’t wait to read it.