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Today we are welcoming Rebecca Royce to the blog! She is the author of Love in One Night and is touring her book around the blogs with Goddess Fish Promotions. Rebecca is giving away a $50.00 Amazon Gift Card to a lucky commenter. To increase your odds, click HERE and find a list of other blogs she is appearing on leave comments on other blogs!
Love in One Night
by Rebecca Royce
Melanie is a woman who handles her anxiety by preparing for the worst. She’s ready for any scenario—except love. Griffith is a man who has seen it all. Nothing surprises him until he meets Melanie. Can two people prepared for everything handle the uncertainty of love at first sight?
“I married him because I got pregnant.” She put her hands on her hips. “And I won’t take his money because I won’t take money from the pharmaceutical companies. No offense.”
“Gee, why would I take offense when you meant to insult me?” Melanie’s face turned a lovely shade of cherry as he spoke.
“Truth is, I meant to say something nasty about Victor. I forgot, momentarily, what you do and who you do it for.”
He shrugged like he words hadn’t stung a bit. The pharmaceutical companies did both good and bad things. Griffith didn’t have to feel one-hundred-percent comfortable all the time to still know he worked on the right side of the law.
“Theft is theft. I give them back things they’ve lost.” He moved along the edge of the room. Melanie must be organized. Everything had a label, down to the box holding sponges. “And I’d bet when you get a headache, you take a Tylenol.”
“I’d try magnesium and zinc, but your point is taken. I shouldn’t be generalizing. I don’t like when it’s done to me.”
Griffith had to get out of there before he did anything really asinine, like give the blushing woman a hug. He pulled out his card. “If you hear from Victor or you think of anything, give me a call. I’ll be staying in Austin overnight.”
“Right.” She took his card. “I’m sorry you had to come all the way down here for nothing.”
“I’m not.” Her eyes widened, and he had a moment of sheer male satisfaction. He’d been able to shock her.
“You haven’t asked me why I do this. Why I’m so prepared for a disaster? You haven’t asked. Everyone does.”
“I’ve been a lot of places. I think preparing for things, even if they might never occur, makes pretty good sense. I guess we all have our own reasons for why we do what we do.”
She bit down on her lower lip, chewing on it as she regarded him with narrowed eyes. “So you want to know why I married Victor but not why I formed a whole community dedicated to organic farming in the desert, self-sustaining living, and disaster preparedness?”
“Melanie, if you want to tell me, I’d be really amenable to hearing.” Anything she wanted to say would be fine by him. She could read the phone book aloud, and he’d sit like a good little boy and listen to her.
“Maybe I could. Over dinner tonight.”
His heart skipped a beat. Had she actually asked him out? His mouth opened and closed. When he’d gotten off the plane in Austin, he’d had no idea he’d be stepping onto a sustainable farm, a converted bomb shelter, and asked to dinner by a hot redhead.
As a teenager, Rebecca Royce would hide in her room to read her favorite romance novels when she was supposed to be doing her homework. She hopes, these days, that her parents think it was well worth it.
Rebecca is the mother of three adorable boys and is fortunate to be married to her best friend. They’ve just moved to Texas where Rebecca is discovering a new love for barbecue!
She’s in love with science fiction, fantasy, and the paranormal and tries to use all of these elements in her writing. She’s been told she’s a little bloodthirsty so she hopes that when you read her work you’ll enjoy the action packed ride that always ends in romance. Rebecca loves to write series because she loves to see characters develop over time and it always makes her happy to see her favorite characters make guest appearances in other books.
In Rebecca Royce’s world anything is possible, anything can happen, and you should suspect that it will.
Website: http://www.rebeccaroyce.com/
Love in One Night is available:
Hi Rebecca,
is LOVE IN ONE NIGHT going to be part of a series?
No. This is a stand alone for me but the Decadent Prepper series is an ongoing thing. Its multi-authored with a whole bunch of us telling unique tales in the prepper genre.
Thank you for hosting today!
Stopped by and tweeted.
What is the “prepper genre”? That’s a new one to me!
Nice excerpt and book cover.
Ditto what Catherine said: Tell us more about this prepper genre.
kareninnc at gmail dot com
Nice blurb
bn100candg at hotmail dot com
This sounds like another great story. On my TBR list!
cris(dot)riquelme at gmail(dot)com