Welcome to Sugarbeat’s Books – The Home of the Romance Novel!
Today we are going to talk about A Naughty Little Christmas by Randi Alexander, Ann Bruce, Aliyah Burke, Opal Carew, Dawn Halliday, Yvette Hines, Christin Lovell and Paige Tayler.
This book has been released for the Christmas season at 99 cents. I, like quite a few others have grabbed a copy of this anthology and enjoyed reading it! How can you lose buying 8 books for 99 cents?
Like most anthologies I’ve read, I liked some of the stories more than others, but all in all, a great deal!
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Cowboy Jackpot Series, Book 1
Randi Alexander
Award Winning Novella. A lucky first kiss in front of a Las Vegas slot machine pays off big for bull rider Boone Hancock and college student Gigi Colberg-Staub.
The 19th Precinct, Book 1.5
Ann Bruce
It’s cold and snowing and dark when a vice cop meets the perfect woman for him, all the while bad men with guns are chasing after him.
Aliyah Burke
Recuperating in wintery Massachusetts, Heath Dixon gives cold-hating Kassia Green something much hotter to focus on. But can he keep her after Christmas? Like…forever?
Opal Carew
Given one chance to break the curse which has held Angelique in its grip for two hundred years, she is faced with a heart-rending decision. Can she sacrifice Nick’s happiness for her own freedom?
Dawn Halliday
In the wintery Highland mountains, Aileen and Niall unleash their forbidden passion. But Aileen is promised to another this Christmas, and the wicked Lowlander will stop at nothing to have her.
Yvette Hines
Even during the holidays a woman can have one reckless night that will change her life forever…especially when the man she was with is determined to prove they belong together.
Christin Lovell
After being apart from each other for a year, Libby and Tyler realize their feelings for one another are more than platonic. Are they willing to risk years of friendship on a chance at love?
Paige Tyler
Hayley Knowles has always fantasized about getting spanked by her husband, Conner. But how can she possibly ever get her husband to do it, especially since she’s too shy to tell him? This is the holiday season, though, so maybe Hayley might get exactly what she wants for Christmas!
A Naughty Little Christmas is available:
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo
Randi Alexander @Randi_Alexander
An award winning author, Randi Alexander’s romance novels, cowboys and cowgirls are “Rode Hard and Put Up Satisfied” for your reading enjoyment. She loves to hear from fans at http://RandiAlexander.comand https://www.facebook.com/
Ann Bruce
Ann Bruce is the pseudonym for a self-professed computer geek who, in between snowboarding, reading comic books, and wearing out the buttons of her PS3 controller, writes because it’s an acceptable means of explaining all the voices in her head.
Connect with Ann Bruce at http://www.annbruce.net/index.
Aliyah Burke
Aliyah Burke is a bestselling author who writes across multiple genres with one paramount belief …happily ever afters are a must. With four dogs, one cat and a military man who married her, her days are full. Join Aliyah at: http://www.aliyah-burke.com/ and https://www.facebook.com/
Opal Carew @OpalCarew
As a USA Today Bestselling author of steamy contemporary romance, Opal Carew writes about passion, love, and taking risks. Her heroine’s follow their hearts and push past the fear that stops them from realizing their dreams… to the excitement and love of happily-ever-after
Dawn Halliday @JenniferHaymore
Yvette Hines @sasseYvetteH
Christin Lovell @christinlovell
An author of paranormal and contemporary romance for the old and the young, Christin Lovell likes her coffee strong, and her alphas stronger. Connect with her at http://www.christinlovell.com andwww.facebook.com/
Paige Tyler @PaigeTyler
Illicit Christmas
Yvette Hines
“Aaah!” Looking up she saw a man walking along the side of the road. “Oh, my God, don’t let me hit him.” Honking her horn and jerking the wheel left toward the street she swerved around, barely missing him, until the rear of her car fishtailed. Thump!
Tires screeched as she slammed on the brakes. Throwing the car into park, she slung the door open, vaulted out of the car and ran towards the back of it. A man lay on the ground illuminated in the red glow of her taillights.
“Are you okay? Are you okay?” She kneeled down beside him and fanned her hand over his face. “Sir…sir?”
“If there’s any mercy left in the word, you’ll stop yelling.” His head rolled toward her, gaze locking.
Reaching out, she brushed her fingers along the side of his forehead. “You’re bleeding.”
“And I’ve just been touched by an angel. A pretty caramel-brown angel.” He smiled.
Her stomach flipped. “How do you feel? Can you sit up?”
“You betcha.” Proving his words true, he sat up. He reached his hand up to feel his head and winced. Looking at the blood on his fingertips, he declared, “Good thing I have a hard head. I think I’ll live.” Sitting there with his dark hair falling over his brow made him look like a modern James Dean.
Unwillingly, her lips turned up on the sides. The humor behind his words caused her to do what she hadn’t done in a year–smile. What was it about this man?
“I’m sorry…my car hit a bump…and I didn’t see you…until it was too late.” She knew she was rambling.
The lopsided smile he gave her let her know he knew it too. “No sweat. I shouldn’t have been walking in the dark.” He held her eye contact.
His level gaze caused her stomach to flip-flop again. “Were you headed somewhere?”
Rising to his feet, he closed his eyes for a moment and took a breath as if to stabilize himself. Opening them again, he swiped his hand across the back of his pants removing the dirt and gravel. “My car broke down before the exit ramp. I was on my way to town.”
She stood as well, almost meeting him eye to eye. He had to be an inch or two over six feet, she was five ten and he still had her by a bit. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
Noticing her height, his gaze traveled down the length of her body. Returning to her face, he lifted an eyebrow and inclined his head. It was an appreciative gesture like when one sees the value in a work of art. “Peachy.”
Tingling sensations ran down the front of her body everywhere his gaze touched. She cleared her throat. “I’m going into town. I could give you a lift.”
“Didn’t your mother teach you not to pick up strangers?” he questioned.
“Yea.” She looked at his wound. “I could leave you out here to bleed to death if you’d prefer?”
The sky chose that moment to open up and present a show of force. Cold, fat drops of rain battered their clothes.
“I believe I’ll take you up on your offer.”
They darted towards her car. Once inside they closed the door against the heavy wind. “It’s always great when a man can see reason.” She rolled up the driver’s side window.
He laughed, deep and masculine. She liked it.
The interior of the car was dark, caused by the overhead lamp that broke years ago. Doug promised to fix it, but never got around to it.
Thunder rumbled outside.
Not wanting to think about her ex, she stuck her hand out in his general direction. “Amber.”
Lightening shot from the sky, light flashed in the car as if someone were taking a picture of them. Of that moment.
Seeing her hand, he grasped it. “Chris.”
For a moment, they sat just like that, in silence, neither of them moving.
His thumb stroked the back of her hand then let go.
Yvette Hines
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By Dawn Halliday
Aileen smiled. “Do you remember the tree stump?”
“Aye. How could I forget?”
Whenever either of them had seen Munro in one of his rages, they’d lay a piece of heather over the stump of a fallen birch tree in the bailey to warn the other to stay clear of Munro that day. Her warnings had saved Niall from beatings at least a dozen times.
“The stump is gone,” he mused. Upon riding through the castle gates, he’d been assailed by memories of his time here, and he’d looked for the stump, only to find smooth ground where it had once been.
She nodded. “’Twas dug up a few years ago. I miss it. It saved me many times.”
“Aye,” he said gruffly. “Me too.”
The reminiscent look on her face called to him. His body resonated with the urge to draw her lush body into his arms, to hold her, comfort her…make love to her…
He shook himself free of that thought. “’Tis good I have been gone so long. Otherwise, I dinna think…” I could have kept my hands off you.
“Is that why you went away?” she asked. “You felt you couldna protect me from him?” She laughed, a soft, smooth sound that slipped under his skin like a warm caress. “If you defended the honor of every wife whose husband took a mistress, you’d be occupied every minute of the day.”
“I’ve no desire to defend every wife,” he said. “Only you.”
Her gaze strayed away, and she didn’t speak. Instead, she took his hand and drew him toward the fire. The gold glow of the lantern light caught the subtle sheen of tears in her eyes before she knelt at his feet to remove his shoes.
Niall stiffened at the gesture. This was inappropriate. He touched his fingers to the top of her head. “Please dinna kneel.”
She bowed her head. “Let me help you prepare for your bath, Niall. ’Twill me great pleasure.”
“I’m your servant, milady.” He’d do anything she asked of him. Even watch her bow at his feet when he ought to be bowing before her.
His fingers itched to stroke her head, to touch that sleek black fall of hair, to caress the gentle slope of her cheekbone. But the Mackenzie had sent Niall here to fetch his sister, to accompany her to Ellandonan as her protector, not to seduce her. To touch her would be to betray his oath to the laird.
There would be no way to hide his arousal when she undressed him. He would shame himself.
As her deft fingers worked the laces on his boots, he tried to think of anything but the thought of her hands on his body. He forced his mind to saddling a temperamental horse. To the puffed cheeks of a man playing the bagpipes. To haggis…
She moved behind him and with skilled precision untied his belt, which she placed on the table beside the bed. Niall helped her to lift off his mail shirt and unwrap his plaid. Her fingertips skimmed over the side of his arse as she worked it off him. Just like that, all thoughts of haggis and everything else fled, until there was only Aileen and her touch. Niall gritted his teeth so hard his jaw ached.
Was her touch deliberate? An invitation?
Of course it wasn’t. The mail shirt and plaid dropped to the planked floor. Still standing behind him, she reached down to clasp the bottom of his shirt. In one motion, she pulled it over his head.
He stood naked, his arousal painfully thrust out. Thankfully, she didn’t move from behind him.
“You must be weary,” she said quietly, touching the back of his shoulder with gentle fingers. “One of your men told me how hard you rode from Ellandonan. I…” Her voice caught. “Please,” she whispered. “The bath is ready.”
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