Today we are going to learn more about Ami Blackwelder and her book Shifters of 2040. The Shifters of 2040 is book 3 in a series of 6 books in the YA genre. Let’s learn more about Ami and her writing!
1) Please tell us a little about yourself…
Ami Blackwelder is a forbidden romance writer in the paranormal and historical romance genre. Growing up in Florida, she went to UCf and in 1997 received her BA in English and teaching credentials. She travelled overseas to teach in Thailand, Nepal, Tibet, China and Korea. Thailand is considered her second home now. She has always loved writing and wrote poems and short stores since childhood; however, her novels began when she was in Thailand. Having won the Best Fiction Award from the University of Central Florida (Yes, The Blair Witch Project University;), her fiction From Joy We Come, Unto Joy We Return was published in the on campus literary magazine: Cypress Dome and remains to this day in University libraries around the country. Later, she achieved the Semi-Finals in a Laurel Hemingway contest and published a few poems in the Thailand’s Expat magazine, and an article in the Thailand’s People newspaper. Additionally, she has published poetry in the Korea’s AIM magazine, the American Poetic Monthly magazine and Twisted Dreams Magazine.
2) What was your favorite subject in school and why?
English, loved to use my imagination in stories..
3) Do you have any particular cheerleaders amongst your friends or family encouraging your writing career?
Umm…well many are supportive, but funny thing is most my friends and family don’t read the kind of stories I write and so they haven’t read anything, but they do support my endeavors.
4) I understand that Shifters of 2040 is part of a 6 book series. Why a series? Tell us a bit about the series. Do you think it is more difficult to write a series of books or a stand alone book?
Originally the series was a solo book, The Hunted of 2060, and then I knew there had to be a sequel and then there was so much back story that needed to be told, found prequels spun, making havoc, in my mind. Now, a six part saga, I’m quite satisfied with what I’ve done. Harder to write a series? I love it, because I get to know the characters so much more.
5) What is your favorite genre to write for and why?
I love paranormal romance, scifi romance, and historical romance. Really, don’t make me chose just one:)
6) What is your favorite genre to read and why?
Same as above. And why, I love the future and the past, I love the idea of something real, but not quite. An illusion that speaks about our greatest truths in an indirect way.
7) I work in a high school library and I’m amazed at the number of young people that are voraciously reading anything with vampires, werewolfs, shifters, fairies, etc. I don’t remember seeing such a trend before. As a teacher, are you encouraged by this reading trend amongst the teenagers and young adults?
Yes, I’ve noticed this too and they love my elven romance saga, The Guardians of the Gate series, The Gate of lake Forest, Prisoners of Pride, and An Inquisition of Innocence.
I’d like to thank Ami for visiting with us and sharing! Ami is an award winning author and has quite a few titles under her belt. Drop by her website and enter a monthly draw to win a free copy of her book!!
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