I’d like to welcome Jamie Magee to my blog today! Her book, Insight is getting great reviews around the internet! The Book Lovin’ Bitches are taking this book on tour and I’ve decided to ask Jamie some questions so that we can meet the author behind this awesome book!
Barb: Tell us a little bit about yourself?
Jamie: Before the title of author was added to my list I was simply a woman in love with her husband, and beautiful children – oh yeah, and a competitive business woman. I love people – it doesn’t matter who you are, I know I can find something fascinating about you! No matter what I am saying or doing in my mind somewhere a story is being created (l love to daydream). Outside of writing and my family my passion is music. I can’t play anything (at least not yet!) It’s the lyrics I love. I feel each song tells a story, and conveys an emotion.
Barb: What prompted Insight to be written?
Jamie: I love the quote “If there’s a book you really want to read but it hasn’t been written yet, then you must write it” by Toni Morrison. Every time I would read a story, or watch a movie my imagination would always reconstruct the plot to the way I would have done it. One day, the desire to read a love story that had every element that I loved in it became so strong that I found the courage to open a word document and let the words flow.
Barb: Tell us a bit about Insight – why should we read it?
Jamie: Insight is the first book in a series planned to stretch across ten books. This story takes ideas that I’m fascinated with, soul mates, past lives, the zodiac, and the power of thought/ attraction and weaves them together.
Willow Haywood from all outward expressions seemed like an ordinary girl, one who was quiet, but never afraid to say what she thought. On the inside she fought a constant battle with her insight of emotion. Her thoughts were plagued with the two young men in her dreams. One was perfect and she could feel that he loved her unconditionally. The other had no emotion she could feel, and haunted her nightmares. In the back of her mind she knew that one day all of her odd characteristics would find meaning, she just never imagined how far away from home her insights would take her, or who she was before this life.
Barb: I’ve read that this book was written for the YA audience. Why? Was that deliberate or did it just happen to come out that way?
Jamie: My understanding of how you classify a book is by the voice that tells the story. Willow is only eighteen; she is a very balanced, mature eighteen years old. Yet, her outlook on life is still young and passionate. I would have to say that it was deliberate – simply because Willow was my voice, she was the first character that showed me her story.
I do believe that no matter the age of the audience we all remember the defining moments of our youth -the first time we fell in love, and when we decided what path we would take in life. Even though this book is YA I have been blessed to find readers of all ages.
Barb: I work in a high school library and I’m amazed at the proliferation of fantasy, sci fi, paranormal, etc. in the last few years specifically for the YA audience. I love seeing the kids read one book after another. What do you make of this trend? When I was that age, I don’t think there was much available that was this exciting!
Jamie: Well, I know in my youth (I’d like to think that was just a day ago) young minds were still told what mold to fill. Meaning this how it was, is and will remain – now pick your profession. Today the generation that will lead our tomorrows has no desire to fill any mold. They believe that anything is possible (and they should – because it is!). Having this passion gives your imagination a craving for what is not real. It is an exercise that helps your mind find a new away around what has always been done.
I know that is a pretty deep answer for books that have recently danced with the ideas of vampires, werewolves, aliens, angels, and demons. Those elements are just the surface, behind every myth or belief there is some truth to be found, and a new way to perceive it. I love seeing the mass readers in youth today, too, and look forward to the tomorrows they will bring us.
Barb: What is your favorite genre for reading and why?
Jamie: I love anything paranormal. Simply because the normal is something I live in everyday – I want to go somewhere different!
Barb: When you were in school what was your favorite subject?
Jamie: Not surprisingly, English. I hated math it was always to black and white for me. I enjoyed finding the meaning of poem or story. I love the question “What do you think the author was trying to convey?” I hear old English teachers ask that question in my mind after every scene I write.
Some fun questions….
Barb: What is your favorite meal?
Jamie: I’m a ‘new’ vegetarian so I discover alternative meals every day. So far I love broccoli alfredo the most!
Barb: Do you prefer winter or summer?
Jamie: Honestly neither – I love the fall, spring is a close second.
Barb: If you won a million dollars, would you continue to write?
Jamie: As much time as I spend at my keyboard I doubt I would even notice! The thing about writing is that I love it so much I would do it all day everyday and never expect anything in return.
Barb: Thanks for answering all of my questions and thank you for visiting my blog!
Now, lets learn about this book, Insight! Here’s the blurb:
Before that fateful summer night, Willow had balanced the insight of emotion, and the vivid images. That night, the figure in her nightmare marked her wrist with a star, giving her father no choice but to tell Willow a family secret that would abruptly change life, as she knew it, forever. Before Willow had time to absorb the shock of her father’s secret, her soul mate that had shared every stunning dream with her, found her, and darkness captured her closest friends. In order to save them, she must weave through broken myths and the undeniable power of the Zodiac. In the end, Willow discovers that at the moment of our birth we are all given a divine gift.
Doesn’t that sound interesting? Let’s make it even more interesting! Did you know that you can pick up a copy of this book on Smashwords for 99 cents right now? Really, how great is that?!
Drop by Jamie’s website, follow her on Twitter, and “like” her on Facebook! Oh yes, she’s on Goodreads also. If you are the thorough type and like to check out a book before you buy, there are over 50 reviews on Goodreads!
I hope you enjoyed meeting Jamie and learning a bit more about her and her book.