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Eros’s magic seems to be fading. Love and lust are failing on Earth—which could mean the end of the world. Finding love for four very different independent women might be the key.
Kami has fallen for her boss, J.C., who can’t bring himself to cross the employer-employee line. Until someone pushes him.
When Kendall’s house nearly goes up in flames, Wynne saves the day. She soon learns she needs to do some saving herself to awaken his heart.
Kacey finds success in business and pays the price by losing her husband Daniel to another woman. She needs to be reawakened and reminded why she married him in the first place.
Jaded Kat has been hurt too many times to let love in. It takes a double dose of love from Kaden and Rock to help her see there is hope.
My thoughts:
Welcome to Olympus, where Eros, the God of Love seems to be losing his touch. Eros joins forces with Apollo to spread love and lust all over the earth, joining couples everywhere! ALL’S FAIR IN LOVE AND LUST is a steamy little story that starts with an interesting problem. Love and lust seem to be disappearing on earth. Something or someone seems to be interfering with the path of true love. Eros, the God of Love, is determined to get to the bottom of this problem because without love and lust, there will be no more earth! So, Eros kisses his wife Psyche goodbye and heads to earth to solve the mystery. The clue in the mystery seems to be Eris, the Goddess of Discord. She interferes with the first couple that Eros shoots with his arrows. To overcome the effects of the Goddess of Discord, Eros has to shoot this couple with several arrows and even brings in Apollo as reinforcements. It seems that the problem is much larger than it first appears. Eris isn’t the only god messing with love and lust on Earth. Eros finds and gets rid of several messengers from Hades before righting things on earth. This short little story rocks along! Eros is determined to solve his mystery and we follow him through his work on several couples. The sex is hot, scorching the pages as Eros goes from couple to couple shooting them with arrows. He even mistakenly shoots Apollo in one scene resulting in a steamy hot ménage. This book also serves as a little refresher on the Greek gods as quite a few of them are featured in this story. This book is well written, fast moving, and gripping. At under 200 pages it is possible to read it in one sitting, so pull up a comfy chair and settle in for a good read!