Welcome to Sugarbeat’s Books – The Home of the Romance Novel!
Today we are welcoming Gail MacMillan to the blog. She is touring her book, Holding Off For a Hero, with the help of Goddessfish Promotions. Gail is also giving away two $5.00 Amazon Gift Cards and three ecopies of “Lady and the Beast” to commenters from this tour. If you are interested in entering, just leave a message at the bottom of this post. If you are interested in increasing your chances of winning, click HERE and find the list of blogs that you can leave a message on.
If this book sounds like something that you would be interested in reading, please find a buy link at the bottom of this post and pick up a copy.
Holding Off For a Hero
by Gail MacMillan
Beautiful, vivacious Emma Prescott has a love-’em-and-leave-’em reputation. Fact is, Emma’s holding off for a hero. When she moves to a cabin at wilderness Loon Lake and meets her one neighbor biology professor Frasier MacKenzie, he’s still just another guy, even with his killer blue eyes and body that just won’t quit…until he rescues her and her Pug from one danger after another. Then he definitely falls into hero territory. But the professor has no intention of filling the role of white knight in Emma’s life. All he wants is to be rid of her and her annoying little dog so he can get on with his research. In fact, he’s ordered to get rid of them whether he wants to or not. Looks like Emma may have to go on holding off for a hero…
She floored the gas, and they took off with a squealing of tires.
“Hey, hey!” he yelled. “Slow down! The speed limit is 100 km. You’re heading to 130!”
“Look, I told you, I’m in a hurry!” she exploded.
“I’ve got a ton of things to do back at the cabin. You see,” she continued, quieting and sounding sly, “I’m having a party tonight. I have to get ready.”
“A party? You’re having a party? At the lake?”
Ah, man, that just about tears it.
“Actually, a bachelorette bash. One of my teacher friends is getting married next week, and a
bunch of us decided we’d give her a real whing-ding of a sendoff…up at my cabin where there’ll be no witnesses. Teachers and the likes of myself have reputations to think of, you realize.”
She cast him a wicked glance.
“So there’ll be music and a lot of noise and…”
The Professor’s blood pressure would skyrocket when he gave him this information.
“Oh, y-e-a-h.” She dragged out the last word.
“Couldn’t you have it somewhere else? Like a male strip joint in town?”
“Didn’t you hear what I just said about teachers and others of that ilk? We can’t be seen parading into one of those places. Our superintendent would suspend every last one of us. Anyway…” She looked over at him. “I don’t see why it should be such a big deal for you. You don’t have to keep banker’s hours. If the noise bothers you, stay up, watch a video, and sleep in on Sunday morning.”
“Okay, okay, but will you please keep your eyes on the road? And slow down! There’s a speed trap somewhere along…”
Behind them a siren wailed.
“Quick!” she ordered, pulling over as the police cruiser rolled alongside. “Hunch over and clutch
your chest!”
AUTHOR Bio and Links:
Gail MacMillan is a three-time Maxwell Award Winning writer and author of 26 published books. A graduate of Queen’s University, she lives in New Brunswick Canada with her husband and two dogs, Fancy a Little River Duck Dog and Bruiser the cover guy and hero of Holding Off For a Hero.
Gail’s web site is www.gailmacmillan.ca
She’s also on:
Holding Off for a Hero is available in both print and e-book from:
Amazon.com: e-book – http://www.amazon.com/Holding-
The Wild Rose Press: