Welcome to Sugarbeat’s Books – The Home of the Romance Novel
Today we are welcoming Kristabel Reed to the blog! She’s the author of Seduction of my Proper Wife and is touring with Goddessfish promotions to create some buzz about her book. She’s going to share some information about her book with us.
Kristabel will be giving away an eBook copy of any backlist title and one randomly drawn commenter from this tour will receive a $25 Amazon or Barnes & Noble gift card plus a copy of any eBook backlisted title. To increase your chances of winning, click HERE to find other blogs to comment on.
Barb – Tell us about your new release?
Kristabel – Seduction of my Proper Wife is a thinking woman’s erotica. It takes Victorian sentiments on sex and so totally turns them on their ear; Victorian prudishness meets ménage happily ever after. I enjoy taking an historic plot device and twisting it. What better way to twist it than make it into a ménage?
Philip Thornton only wanted to help his frigid wife enjoy their marriage bed.
Lillian agreed, but once freed from her past, hadn’t expected such a fierce transformation.
Aria was paid to educate and entice, but what she found was more than she ever dreamed possible.
The Parisian Exposition of 1889…the world is changing and the three of them are caught in its whirl. Philip and Lillian went to Paris to save their marriage and to help Lillian overcome her fears. Aria danced and seduced Lillian, but before Lillian left, Aria found herself seduced, in turn, by the beautiful Englishwoman.
When Philip and Lillian break all the rules and escort Aria around Paris for a week, will it be the beginning of their future? Or will this seductive interlude be nothing more than a dream?
Barb – What’s your current guilty pleasure?
Kristabel – Chocolate is the eternal favorite, however I’d have to say my current one is Chris Hemsworth. I’ll see anything with him in it. J
Barb – If you wouldn’t be a writer, what you would be?
Kristabel – Congress or the senate or a local office because I always feel I can do a better job than our current politicians. But with my luck (and writing history!) I’d probably be involved in a ménage sex scandal.
Barb – What are your favorite hobbies?
Kristabel – Reading, TV, movies, gardening, beach, travel to new places or old favorites. I love to see new places to use for research.
Barb – What do you love about writing?
Kristabel – I get to play in the imagination sandbox and call it my job! I love imagining new stories!
Barb – Why did you choose the genre you write in?
Kristabel – My publisher had a hole in her lineup for a ménage historical anthology and asked if I’d fill it. I’d never written a ménage before, but said yes. Once I finished that short story, I wanted to write a longer ménage, to really get a feel for the characters and flesh them out. After that first one, it snowballed from there and now I can’t imagine not writing them!
Barb – Where do you get your inspiration?
Kristabel – For Seduction of my Proper Wife, I had read Devil in the White City and wanted to set a story either during a World’s Fair or at least in Victorian Era Chicago. In that one they talk about this World’s Fair, so I looked up Paris 1889. Not much on it, but it was fascinating enough and with the Eiffel Tower there almost too exotic a setting to ignore. Given what I write, it had to be a ménage, lol, but I am enjoying the setting itself. I love the research I can do on Paris 1889. If you get a chance to read Devil in the White City or Eiffel’s Tower, do so.
Barb – How many books do you read/month?
Kristabel – I tend not to read a romance or ménage while writing because I don’t want to accidently take away something from that story and use it in mine. But I’d say on average, I read about 5-7 books. Between ebooks, library books, and audio books, it’s easy to juggle.
And I enjoy a very wide variety of stories, non-fiction historicals, spiritual things like finding your animal spirit, thrillers, YA books (some) children’s books, and especially romance.
Barb – Do you prefer Twitter or Facebook?
Kristabel – Twitter. I can update that frequently and not compete with cute animal pictures. While I enjoy those pictures I find facebook very crowded and cumbersome. Course Twitter is shorter, 140 characters and all. So if anyone wants to start a conversation you can find me at @kristabelreed
Barb – What are your thoughts on ebooks? (i.e. love them, hate them, wave of the future)
Kristabel – Love them, they are the wave of the future. Don’t get me wrong, I love holding a book, but let’s face it; I can download an almost infinite number of books onto an e-reader or tablet and not have to lug them physically around.
And, too, there’s the shame factor—like you’re buying a box of condoms at the pharmacy where your date’s father works. I doubt very much anyone would buy my books if they had to go into a bookstore and have everyone stare at them with a threesome on the cover and words like Victorian Ménage in the title. With an e-book you can download it and not worry who’s looking at you because they probably won’t be able to see what you’re reading!
Barb – If you could ask your readers one question, what would it be?
Kristabel – I was going to talk about my upcoming releases, but I really like this question instead. So what would I ask? I’d ask what they like to see in a story. Plot is important, I’m in total agreement, but what sort of plot? What do you like in a story, in a romance, in an historical, in a ménage?
Thanks for hosting me, I look forward to chatting with everyone!
Philip Thornton adored his new bride but found she was frigid in their marriage bed.
Lillian did not know how to ease her fear of the bed until she was freed from her past.
Aria was paid to educate and entice, but what she found was more than she ever dreamed possible.
The Parisian Exposition of 1889…the world is changing and the three of them are caught in its whirl. Philip and Lillian went to Paris to save their marriage and to help Lillian overcome her fears. Aria danced and seduced Lillian, but before Lillian left, Aria found herself seduced, in turn, by the beautiful Englishwoman.
When Philip and Lillian break all the rules and escort Aria around Paris for a week, will it be the beginning of their future? Or will this seductive interlude be nothing more than a dream?
Puzzled at such a dichotomy, she allowed Philip to pull her along. They passed a pair of men sitting cross-legged on the ground. They smoked from a long tube attached to a tall, thin, glass spiral of some sort. Fascinated, Lillian tried not to stare, it was rude after all, but wondered what the contraption was called and what the men smoked from its cloudy insides.
They entered a building with beautifully mysterious music and slight tinkling sounds. When Lillian looked up, she saw the dancers. They wore swaths of sheer fabric for skirts, covered in dozens and dozens of gold coins. Their bellies were bare, but their faces veiled.
Philip, still silent as he’d been since leaving their hotel room, guided her through the crowd to the front of the stage. Lillian, almost entranced by the sight, didn’t care who saw her or what they thought, she watched, mesmerized by the way these women’s bodies moved.
It was the most sensual thing she’d ever seen, and Lillian knew she should be ashamed, but couldn’t be. The danced ended and the women filed off stage. The crowd waited, clearly waiting like she was, to see if more was to come. But nothing more happened, save the men playing their strange instruments continued to do so.
As the crowd left the room, Philip smiled tenderly down at her and she felt that same fluttering in her belly she had the first time he’d done so. Straightening her shoulders, Lillian vowed to make this work. Even if she had to…
AUTHOR Bio and Links:
Kristabel Reed lives on the East Coast and loves to explore the steamier side of historical romance. “There are so many sexy situations that didn’t just pop up in the 21st century and my goal is to burst the myth of the prim and proper debutante.”
She loves romances but historical ménages particularly which add an element of danger and discovery not seen in contemporaries. Historically speaking, unusual romantic connections put lives on the line-people were ostracized and some even put to the death.
She loves reading, watching old movies, and anything Cary Grant. And is always interested in talking about erotic romance, so drop her a line: kristabelreed@yahoo.com; or Tweet her @kristabelreed; find her blog: kristabelreed.blogspot.com