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Today we are welcoming Jayne Fresina to the blog! She is the author of The Most Improper Miss Sophie Valentine. This is a book that I had the pleasure of reading and reviewing a bit ago. To see my thoughts on this book, click HERE. I hope you enjoy the interview with Ms. Fresina and if this book sounds like something that interests you (and you have a Canadian or US mailing address) you fill out the form to enter to win a copy!
Barb – How would you describe your book in 20 words or less without using the blurb?
JF – This book is about a woman learning to let herself love and the man who teaches her how it’s done.
Barb – How would my friends describe me in 20 words or less?
JF – Slightly mad, mostly annoying, never answers her phone, quirky sense of humor, likes practical jokes, owned by her dogs. Blonde.
Barb – What’s your current guilty pleasure?
JF – Watching “Dance Moms”. I can’t look away.
Barb – When did you begin writing?
JF – I used to write books in my head while walking or biking to school. I’d write a chapter a day of the same continuing story, but I didn’t write them down for a long time because I thought people would laugh at my attempts. When I was about ten I started writing a book about cannibals, called “The Food Factory”, so my first attempts were along the horror vein! Then I tried science fiction. Finally, as an adult I discovered romance. I wrote for myself, never expecting to show it to other people. Then one day I got brave!I asked some friends to read what I’d written and they encouraged me to try getting published. It took about ten years after that, before I signed my first contract.
Barb – What do you love about writing?
JF – I love it so much, I’m not sure where to start! I love creating characters and disappearing into a world of my own mind for a few hours every day. I love it when I know I’ve written a good scene and I feel that twinge of excitement. I love the peace and solitude in my office every morning when I sit down to write. I love it when someone who has read one of my books comes to me and talks about it as if the characters are real people. It’s actually quite scary sending a book out into the world to be judged, but at the same time it’s a real thrill.
Barb – What’s the hardest part of writing a book?
JF – Sometimes the hardest thing is having so many ideas crowding in and trying to get one manuscript finished. Characters have a tendency to invade my brain and fight one another for attention. Also, of course, I’d be a liar if I said bad reviews don’t hurt. That’s something writers have to get used to—how differently readers can perceive your work and that not everyone will feel the same way you do about your characters.
Barb – How do you get your inspiration?
JF – I never know where it will come from or when. I could be watching a documentary on the television, or listening to music. I could be in the shower. I do quite a lot of talking to myself in the shower, having conversations with characters, so I do some of my plotting in there!
Barb – Your favorite books and author?
JF – As a child my favorite author was Noel Streatfeild. I consumed her books. Later it was Jane Austen and Daphne Du Maurier.
Barb – Where can your fans find you ?
JF – I have a website www.jaynefresina.com and I can be contacted through that. I’m also on Twitter, @JayneFresina.
Barb – If you could visit any place in the world or a place created by a book, where would you visit?
JF – Manderley from Rebecca. I would fire Mrs. Danvers and redecorate.
Barb – How many more books can we expect in this series?
JF – At least two more – The Wicked Wedding of Miss Ellie Vyne (release date January 2013) and Lady Mercy Danforthe Flirts With Scandal (June 2013)
“Wanted: one husband, not too particular. Small dowry, several books, sundry furnishings, and elderly aunt included. Idlers, time-wasters, and gentleman without other attachments need not apply.”—Miss Sophie Valentine
Sophie Valentine knew placing an ad for a husband in the Farmers Gazette would bring her trouble-and she was right. When the darkly handsome, arrogantly charming Lazarus Kane shows up on her doorstep, the nosy residents of Sydney Dovedale are thrown into a gossiping tizzy. After all, it’s common knowledge that Sophie is a young lady In Need of Firmer Direction. But even Sophie isn’t so scandalous as to marry a complete stranger. .. is she?
Lazarus Kane has been searching for Sophie half of his life. She may not remember him, but he could never forget her. But the past is a dangerous thing, and it’s best if his remains secret if he wants to tempt Sophie with …
Jayne Fresina sprouted up in England, the youngest in a family of four girls. Entertained by her father’s colorful tales of growing up in the countryside, and surrounded by opinionated sisters— all with far more exciting lives than hers— she’s always had inspiration for her beleaguered heroes and unstoppable heroines. Visit www.jaynefresina.com for more information.